We have 3 sites withFG 100D/110C/80C Software Version: v5.2.13,build762
andFAP's 221b/221c Software Version: v5.2-build0265 Since upgrading to
this version we seem to have computers/laptops randomly showing page
cannot be displayed when browsing both...
I have recently upgraded all of our boxes due to them being quite old,
some of them previously on V4.We have the following SiteA - FG100D
(v5-b0762), 4 x FP221B (v5.2-b0265) SiteB - FG110C (v5-b0762), 3 x
FP221B (v5.2-b0265), 2 x FP221C (v5.2-b0265) ...
I've recently only just moved from version 4 (b694) up to 5.2.13 on our
gateways 100d, 110c, 80c + 5.2.6 on AP's 221b/c's Is it worth upgrading
to 5.4 > 5.6? Is there specific versions for stability/reliability?
I have a fortiap 221b, upgrading from 221B-v5.2-build0234 to
FAP_221B-v5-build0245. Device has become non responsive. Used the reset
button to no avail Is there any type of recovery mode for these devices?
We have several AP's across our sites with a selection of different
fortigates as gateways. 110C, 100D and 2 x 80C All AP's are either
FP-221b or FP-221C Recently reviewing the firmware images have updated
the gateways to v5.0,build0323 (GA Patch 14)...
Resolved the issue, using the physical reset button would not work, but
using cli directly to the device allowed me to run a factoryreset.
device come alive again. Happy days
Ive now managed to connect to it directly from a pc, and update it to
FAP_221B-v5-build0262-fortinet DHCP enabled, the Fortigate 110C finds
the device and I can authorise it but it appears offline. other 4 AP's
onsite worked fine.
Should of said. Fortigate - 110C previously and now back on 4 Mr3 Patch
19, attempted upgrade to v5 build 3232 x FP221C-v5.2-build0234 Fortigate
80c previously and now back on 4 Mr3 Patch 19, attempted upgrade to v5
build 3232 x FP221C-v5.2-build0234...
Thank You very much ede_pfau Setting the priority on the interface fixed
the problem straight away. I was unaware priority could be set on
interface itself. Does this only apply to pppoe connections or can it be
done with all interfaces Many thanks