This installation was oof.. a lot of work. Love the product,
particularly since 7.0.6., but multiple features started out by Not
Working As Advertised. The feature parity between Windows (Best) and
MacOS (Many features behind/missing) is poor, which ...
CLI: You've got it, sysextensionsctllist -- then you need the list of 7
that need to be installed. FN has it, or I can get it on Friday if time
permits. File location only shows in terminal w permissions stated.
Your permissions aren't right, and while it can be done in the GUI tray,
there are quite a few needed. There's a systemctl list command and a
list of I think 7. Also you can refer to the JAMF schema which should
have that list also. Let me review my ...
Isn't that what the "Show remote VPN before login option does?"I was
always worried that would blackhole traffic in the event the VPN doesn't
come up, as it's "before login" -> and then you could restrict logins to
AD direct. But that sounds like exa...