Hello, this is my first time on this forum and have a very specific
question. as a new vendor for fortinet but a long time vendor of mpls
solutions i have a question about the sd wan functionality in the
fortigate? Our current setup is a MPLS solutio...
sdHello, this is my first time on this forum and have a very specific
question. as a new vendor for fortinet but a long time vendor of mpls
solutions i have a question about the sd wan functionality in the
fortigate? Our current setup is a MPLS solut...
Hello the solution that we want to setup is that we make reporting
available for our customer regarding bandwith etc. because of the sd wan
solution. We cannot have reporting from the MPLS and we dont have the
firewall of the customer and have that d...
Hello Alex, the configuration info we can easily acquire because we
provide the MPLS with the ISP of the customer. So we would be able to
disable firewall features on the fortigate and only use the sd wan
functionality? so that the customer can keep ...