Description This article will explain how to update libzip library in
centos when upgrades on FortiSIEM may have not updated libzip packages.
ScopeVersion 5.4.0 and BelowSolution 1- ssh into the fortisiem node as
root 2- # su admin 3- # phMonitor - T...
Description Connectwise has recently changed their policy and requires
that vendors create the client ID in order to integrate with FortiSIEM.
Because of this change and restriction from connectwise, Fortinet has
published a public client ID in order...
Description This article will help troubleshoot windows agent
registration problems. Before going through this documentation, please
review the doc link below to verify if you have the correct windows
agent package for the version of FortiSIEM you ar...
DescriptionRequirements:The FortiSIEM instance you wish to convert to
PAYG licensing must be running in Service Provider mode.You must have an
active FSM MSSP PAYG subscription.If you are an existing FortiSIEM
customer and migrating from Perpetual or...
DescriptionThis article will describe how to quickly delete incidents
from fortiSIEM by dropping child tables from fortiSIEM that includes the
target incident.This article will only describe how to drop child tables
from fortiSIEM to avoid risk of or...
I would usually follow this documentation, but I see how this use case
will be a good reason to further improve options and describe the
complete setup in this