FortiSIEM provides Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) and User and Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA)
Article Id 193071



This article explains how to minimize the amount of downtime that occurs when migrating data from an NFS store to another NFS store, or from local storage to a new NFS server. This article assumes that the new server is a linux server. If any other NFS servers are being utilized, adjustments outside of the following steps will be necessary, depending on the server.


NOTE: rsync is 3rd party software, utilized for convenience in the same way as cp (copy) is utilized.

The Linux Administrator should perform troubleshooting of rsync, as it requires Linux Administrative knowledge to run and upkeep the necessary tasks.


Refer to the rsync author's page to obtain further information for troubleshooting file transfer issues:



FortiSIEM v5.0+ v6.1+
Caveats between 5.1.2 to 5.2.1 and 6.1.* to 6.2+ are explained below:


Option 1: Old NFS to New NFS


1) Log into the Supervisor and create a folder to mount the new storage onto:


# ssh root@<supervisor ip>

# mkdir /new_data


2) [Supervisor Only] Mount the NEW NFS on FortiSIEM


# mount -t nfs (new NFS IP):(remote new NFS path) /new_data


If a problem occurs with the mount, run the following example command (substituting values as appropriate) to troubleshoot and send the result to support in a support ticket:


# mount -v -t nfs (new NFS IP):(remote new NFS path) /new_data

# showmount -e (new NFS IP)


NOTE: Before running the above rsync, it is recommended to install and utilize a virtual screen to prevent accidental network drops, which would make it necessary to repeat step 3:


3) [Supervisor Only] Run rsync from the old NFS location to the new NFS location:


# cd /data

# rsync --progress -av * /new_data


Run the steps below after completing step 3:


4) [Supervisor and Workers] Shut down all AO Processes:

A) SSH into the supervisor and workers as root

B) Shut down all of the necessary services:


# phtools --stop all

# phstatus (make sure all ph-processes are down except phMonitor)

# service crond stop

# killall -9 phwatchdog phMonitor phxctl


Supervisor Only:


# /opt/glassfish/bin/asadmin stop-domain


v5.1.2 and below:


# service postgresql-9.1 stop




# service postgresql-9.4 stop




# service postgresql-13 stop


# service httpd stop


5) [Supervisor and Workers] Check the statuses of all services to ensure they are down:


# phstatus


NOTE: For Supervisor, the ONLY service running should be Node.js.


6) [Supervisor Only] Run step 3 once more to complete the final copy:


# cd /data

# rsync --progress -av * /new_data


7) [Supervisor Only] Check the ownership, permissions and folder structure of the '/new_data' path against '/data'.


# cd /new_data/

# ls -l


The output will appear similar to the following:


drwxr-sr-x  3 postgres postgres    4096 Dec 21  2016 archive

drwxr-sr-x  3 root     admin       4096 Mar 19 17:21 backup

drwxr-sr-x 10 admin    admin       4096 Jan 18 14:46 cache

drwxr-sr-x  2 postgres postgres    4096 Dec 20  2016 cmdb

drwxr-sr-x  2 admin    admin      20480 Jun 12 17:02 custParser

drwxrwsr-x  2 admin    admin      36864 Mar 12 11:17 eventDataResult

drwxrwsr-x  2 admin    admin       4096 May 30 14:17 eventDataSum

drwxr-sr-x 22 admin    admin       4096 Jun 11 12:52 eventdb

drwxr-sr-x  2 admin    admin       4096 Dec 20  2016 jmxXml

drwxr-sr-x  2 admin    admin       4096 Mar 19 19:00 mibXml


8) [Supervisor and Workers] Unmount the old NFS server and mount the new NFS server:


# umount /new_data (Supervisor only)

# umount /data

# vi /etc/fstab


Modify the NFS mount entry to the new NFS mount:


<NEWNFSIP>:/<directory> /data   nfs    defaults,nfsvers=3,timeo=14,noatime,nolock     0     0


For example:    /data   nfs    defaults,nfsvers=3,timeo=14,noatime,nolock     0     0


Run the following command:


# mount -a


If mounting fails, ensure that the new NFS server has the workers as part of its export list under '/etc/exports'.


9) [Supervisor Only] Reset the configuration database values:


v5.1.2 and below:

# service postgresql-9.1 start


# service postgresql-9.4 start


# service postgresql-13 start


# psql -U phoenix phoenixdb -c “delete from ph_sys_conf where category=’16’

# /opt/phoenix/deployment/jumpbox/


10) [Supervisor and Workers] Restart all internal services:


# service crond start

# phstatus (Watch for all the services to restart)


Optionally, reboot the system:


# shutdown -r now




# reboot


11) [Supervisor and Workers] Verify that the new NFS disk is available with the following command:


# df


Example output:


Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on

/dev/sda3             57668868  27594080  27145380  51% /

tmpfs                  8166588       256   8166332   1% /dev/shm

/dev/sda1               126931     68150     52228  57% /boot

/dev/sdb1             61923396   2238644  56539228   4% /cmdb

/dev/sdc1             61923396    187220  58590652   1% /svn

                      91792384  44505088  42617856  52% /data



Option 2: Local disk Storage to NFS


1) Log into the Supervisor and create a folder to mount the new storage onto:


# ssh root@<supervisor ip>

# mkdir /new_data


2) Mount the new NFS on FortiSIEM:


# mount -t nfs (new NFS IP):(remote new NFS path) /new_data


If a problem occurs with the mount, run the following example command (substituting values as appropriate) to troubleshoot and send the result to support in a support ticket:


# mount -v -t nfs (new NFS IP):(remote new NFS path) /new_data


NOTE: Before running the above rsync, it is recommended to install and utilize a virtual screen to prevent accidental network drops, which would make it necessary to repeat step 3:



3) Run rsync from the local disk to the new NFS location:


# cd /data

# rsync --progress -av * /new_data


Run the following steps after completing step 3.


4) [Supervisor and Workers] Shut down all AO Processes:

A) SSH into the supervisor and workers as root

B) Shut down all of the necessary services:


# phtools --stop all

# phstatus (make sure all ph-processes are down except phMonitor)

# service crond stop

# killall -9 phwatchdog phMonitor phxctl


Supervisor only:


# /opt/glassfish/bin/asadmin stop-domain


v5.1.2 and below:


# service postgresql-9.1 stop




# service postgresql-9.4 stop




# service postgresql-13 stop


# service httpd stop


5) [Supervisor and Workers] Check the statuses of all services to ensure they are down:


# phstatus


NOTE: For supervisor, the ONLY service running should be Node.js.


6) [Supervisor Only] Run step 3 once more to complete the final copy:


# cd /data

# rsync --progress -av * /new_data


7) [Supervisor Only] Check the ownership, permissions and folder structure of the '/new_data' path against '/data'.


# cd /new_data/

# ls -l


The output will appear similar to the following:


drwxr-sr-x  3 postgres postgres    4096 Dec 21  2016 archive

drwxr-sr-x  3 root     admin       4096 Mar 19 17:21 backup

drwxr-sr-x 10 admin    admin       4096 Jan 18 14:46 cache

drwxr-sr-x  2 postgres postgres    4096 Dec 20  2016 cmdb

drwxr-sr-x  2 admin    admin      20480 Jun 12 17:02 custParser

drwxrwsr-x  2 admin    admin      36864 Mar 12 11:17 eventDataResult

drwxrwsr-x  2 admin    admin       4096 May 30 14:17 eventDataSum

drwxr-sr-x 22 admin    admin       4096 Jun 11 12:52 eventdb

drwxr-sr-x  2 admin    admin       4096 Dec 20  2016 jmxXml

drwxr-sr-x  2 admin    admin       4096 Mar 19 19:00 mibXml


8) Unmount the old NFS server and mount the new NFS server.


# umount /new_data (Supervisor only)

# umount /data

# vi /etc/fstab


Change the local disk entry to the NFS server entry. First, find the mount entry:


<device disk>   /data                 ext3    defaults,noatime       0     0


For example:


/dev/sdd       /data                 ext3    defaults,noatime       0     0


Modify it to the NFS Entry:


<NEWNFSIP>:/<directory> /data   nfs    defaults,nfsvers=3,timeo=14,noatime,nolock     0     0


For example:    /data   nfs    defaults,nfsvers=3,timeo=14,noatime,nolock     0     0


Run the following command:


# mount -a


If mounting fails, ensure that the new NFS server has the workers as part of its export list under '/etc/exports'.


9) Reset the configuration database values:


v5.1.2 and below:

# service postgresql-9.1 start


# service postgresql-9.4 start


# service postgresql-13 start


# psql -U phoenix phoenixdb -c “delete from ph_sys_conf where category=’16’

# /opt/phoenix/deployment/jumpbox/



10) Restart all internal services:


# service crond start

# phstatus (Observe to ensure all services restart)



Optionally, reboot the system:


# shutdown -r now




# reboot


11) Verify that the NEW NFS disk is available:


# df


Example output:


Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on

/dev/sda3             57668868  27594080  27145380  51% /

tmpfs                  8166588       256   8166332   1% /dev/shm

/dev/sda1               126931     68150     52228  57% /boot

/dev/sdb1             61923396   2238644  56539228   4% /cmdb

/dev/sdc1             61923396    187220  58590652   1% /svn

                      91792384  44505088  42617856  52% /data


12) [OPTIONAL] Register Workers

The most common reason to move the eventdb from the local disk to an NFS server is to provide additional workers within the FortiSIEM infrastructure. This step is only necessary if that is the intention.


A) Navigate to https://<super_address>/phoenix/.

B) Navigate to Admin > License > Nodes > Add.

C) Select the intended worker from the dropdown menu.

D) Enter the worker address under Worker IP Address.


NOTE: Worker addition requires the workers to be able to connect to the NFS server that has been configured. If the NFS server has not included the worker’s ip in /etc/exports, add it before adding workers:


E) Navigate to Admin > Settings > Worker Upload.

F) Add the worker address under Worker Address.


