Hi All I wonder if someone could help me i have created a site to site
vpn between two fortigates. Site AVLAN: created to
allow all Site B LAN: created to allow all The
tunnel comes up successfully and i am...
Good Day I was wondering if anybody can help me as I am new to fortigate
I have two fortigates, one at hq and one at branch HQ public ip
41.138.x.xLocal Lan : Remote site public ip
86.179.x.xLocal Lan : : 192.168.2...
Hi All I am pretty new to fortinet products and was hoping that someone
could guide me in the right direction. I have 2 fortigates where i have
created a site to site vpn. The tunnel is up between hq and remote
office. I need to route all traffic fro...
Hi Toshi Thank you for the reply, ping is enabled on the machine. when i
run the command how do i do that on the lan interface, sorry still new
to networking. Many thanks
Sorry, they have different IP's, i need the vlan from remote office to
route through gateway of HQ so it looks like the remote machine is
sitting in HQ