Hi all Need help in Fortigate behavior on OSPF routing In the attached
image - What will happen if traffic from 0.x is send to server1 via wan2
but return traffic from server1 is send via wan1 ? Thank you
hi all When processing a packet - which will have priority over the
routing of that packet ? 1) Existing session2) Sd-wan rules3) Policy
routing4) Static routing ====================== It also seems that if a
session already exists, fortigate will al...
kmliu wrote:infrasg wrote:Hi Kangming Please find 2 attached - scenario1
and scenario2scenario1 - 0.x to 1.x (0.x to server 1 via wan2 and
server1 reply via wan1)scenario2 - 1.x to 0.x (server1 request via wan1
and 0.x reply via wan2) scenario1scenar...