I have a site where my 90D running 5.4 could not keep up with UTM
throughput, so I purchased a FGT-101E to replace it.This site has about
100 users and a 30MB WAN connection. This box will be using full UTM
features, but no VPN, dynamic routing, or a...
Hi:I'm considering buying some 60E's to replace some older 81CM's at
branch locations.I have been buying 90D's and running 5.2 firmware. The
60E spec sheet shows great improvement over the other models, but I'm
skeptical that its "ready for prime tim...
Purchase the forticonverter service. I did that for upgrading from 200B
to 200E.Pricing was very reasonable. You provide existing config and
FTNT engineer will convert the config to new platform for you.
I opened a ticket with support. They had me change remote auth timeout.
This appears to have resolved the issue for me. config system global set
remoteauthtimeout ? -----------------------> will see the possible range
set remoteauthtimeout 60 -------...
Absolutely use "allow server to choose type of security"Another thing to
consider is username. We had issues with users logging into non-domain
laptop as "jsmith". They attempt RDP session to domain-joined PC. Then
they select "use ssl-vpn credential...