I have set up a Dial-UP VPN that is working correctly for many Windows
clients. I have done the same for a couple APPLE MAC, and the same VPNs
connect successfully. I am unable to ping the LAN hosts from the MAC -
while at the same time the Windows m...
ROUTER: FGT60EFirmware: v5.6.2 build1486(GA) Problem: incoming traffic
towards internal mail server (i.e. ports 25, 143, 993, 995 etc.) has
flowed normally for several days after router installation and
configuration. It happened twice as of today th...
Hello, I would like to resolve internal hostnames on my network, and I
read on this Forums that it would suffice to set your internal DNS as
the primary DNS server on the Fortigate unit in network configuration.
BUT, I would also like to have the For...
Hi emnoc, thanks for the quick reply. Do you think that message could
come from the mail server instead? I have trouble checking there because
the software has been somewhat damaged in the last few months, showing
few / truncated logs, and we didn't ...
That could maybe do... but, are we loosing the DNS filtering
capabilities of the Fortigate unit, if we configure it this way? Or, is
DNS filtering / blocking implemented elsewhere, and the FGT does not
need to forward all DNS traffic to Fortinet serv...
Thanks for your quick and insightful reply. Plenty of detailed
information about local DNS management here - although I wish to keep my
current DNS server active, as it's also a Domain Controller and I need
it. I already forwarded my DNS requests fro...