Hi all,How would I go about finding an application signature for a
VPN-proxy.The name is VPN-Super Unlimited Proxy by Mobile Jump Pte Ltd.I
would like to block it, but it is not listed in application controls as
a quick "add app", so I thought I coul...
Hi,Looking for some thoughts on a unique issue.We have lets say 100
licenses of Sase that is intended for a small portion of our staff (we
have other solutions for the Windows users).Our staff are all grouped
into the same OU for ease of onboarding a...
Hi,I am looking for input how to isolate our camera system yet allow
access from our primary VLAN.Any thoughts would be appreciated.Perhaps
isolate the newly created vlan except the port for access?
Morning everyone,I have a website that was not making it past the
webfilter (well 2), cabelas.ca and cabelas.com.I was able to clear
cabelas.ca by adding an exception to dns and webfilter, but same
practice doesn't work with the *.comHas anyone exper...
Thanks for the response, it turns out that cabelas.ca was easily
whitelisted via the webfilter, but cabelas.com incorporates a lot of sub
services that we had blocked...IE snapchat was a big one.So I informed
the user they could use the *.ca, but.com...