Hello, Does anyone else have a problem on FortiOs 5.6 with Error 500:
Internal Server Error? Whatever setting I change (e.g change interface
ip) I get error above when i click OK. The strange thing is also if I
try to change ip over ssh cli i get dis...
Hi, I have installed over 50 FC and on two computers I have strange
problem. The installation (FC version 2.0.148 only VPN option) runs
perfectly you restart computer and after runinng ipconfig/all there is
no Fortinet virtual adapter. After second r...
Hello, The problem only occurs when i try to change something (IP
address, enable SNMP, change DNS server and when click OK) I always the
same error 500, otherwise I can see web interface and settings normally.
diag debug does not produce anything......
Hello, The problem is IP routing (ipconfig /all see Ip routing)... You
have to disable routing and remote service then restart pc/laptop and
after restart you will see Fortidriver virtual adapter. Gregor