I don't know if this is how it's supposed to work.I set up dlp to block
certain file types and whitelisted a domain in email filter, however
mail coming from that domain with an attachment of that type is still
blocked by dlp.I updated the firmware t...
I have an exchange mail server and I mapped the dmz ip address to a
public ip address mail server dmz ip: vip: edit
" mail" set extip set extintf " wan1" set mappedip the is a static ip I ha...
under file types -> file name patterns you can specify the pattern of
the extension you want to block/allow (for example *.zip)I use it to
allow *.xlsm files since they are considered zip archives which are
I disabled the internal nic in the mail server and the public ip going
out through the dmz nic is actually the ip pool address so it works I
can' t figure out why some emails are bounced back because of missing
rDNS the exchange smtp connector uses t...
it' s the first one in the dmz->wan section the server has a dmz ip and
an internal one, and there' s a rule for the internal network to wan1 to
allow all outgoing traffic is it possible that they conflict in some
I configured the ip pool and set the firewall policy like this how can I
check if the traffic is actually going out with the ip pool address?
config firewall policy edit 68 set srcintf " dmz" set dstintf " wan2"
set srcaddr " mailserver" set dstaddr ...