Hi there, I am having a problem with email routed internally and
directly to our email server. All internally routed email appears to
come from the router IP which is making it harder to configure router
for allowed relay. I was having same problem w...
Hello,I was able to finally enable Vulnerability Scan in router GUI but
there is no option to disable Vulnerability Scan. How can I completely
disable Vulnerability Scan in my 60C? I am not referring to Endpoint VS
but the router itself. The reason I...
I am trying to configure a new/used Fortigate 60C with firmware 5.2x but
can't get firewall policy rules to work to allow inbound traffic. I've
configured other 60-series routers including 60C with firmware 4.x or
earlier 60A routers without too much...
Thanks Ede. I will try disabling NAT for Internal. I just wanted to be
sure that is how it should be configured and I don't believe it will
cause any problems but you never know.
Hi there, Just looking for a little clarification on the 80C which chart
above shows above as using Intel Covington CPU at 600mhz however the
Covington specs out at 300mhz which means it's overclocked or using
something else. https://en.wikipedia.org...
Thanks Ede for replying. I finally figured it out. I was selecting WAN1
for Outgoing interface. I am used to previous FortiOS which labeled this
as Destination interface. I was being too literal and thinking Outgoing
meant Outbound. The naming could ...