Hi All, since upgrading our 300C to FortiOS 5.2.6 we're experiencing
problems (randomly) with incoming connection through FortiClient and
FortiVPNSSL. The connection process goes well untill 98% and than stop
without any error message or, in some oth...
The problem is not the application but that the usb port on FGT60E is
not set for communicating with the bix but only as "media" reader for
allowing firmware/config uploads.
Hi, we use both Skype and SkypeForBusiness (formerly Lync) in our
company. The two products are different meaning that they use a
different set of ports. Moreover SkypeforBusinss ports can be customized
(and this is good as far as the standard implem...
Hi, I'm using FMG5.4.1 with lot of FGT5.4.1 anf 4.2.8. I got no problem
during the deployment but from time to time some devices appear
"disconnected" from the FMG or "out-of-sync" without any apparent
reason. Restarting the fmgm deamon on the remote...
Hi, I've been running 5.4.1 on several 50E clustered boxes for some
months now (coming from 5.2.8). Basically everything is working fine
except for some small issues: - SSL deep inspection has to be set to
single protocols mode (and not "scan all por...