Hi,I created a site-to-site VPN between two Fortigate 100D (site1) and
60E (site2), I have on each site a Technicolor TG799 v2 ADSL router.
Both Fortigate are implemented in NAT / Route mode behind the ADSL
routers.I used IPSec wizard on both sites t...
Hi,To secure access to network resources for one of my clients, I am
looking for how to enable Active Directory authentication for VLANs,
here is the scenario: In my FG100E, I have 2 VLAN, VLAN1 for server and
VLAN2 for workstations. I will create th...
hi,I am a beginner in the world of Fortigate, I have a Fortigate 100D
and unmanaged switches (switch L2 only), is this Fortigate can be a
VLANs server, ie create and manage the VLANs without the need for an L3
switch? I tried to create VLANs nd enabl...
I just installed my Fortigate 100D in NAT mode, everything passes
correctly except messaging traffic. I have my Exchange Server with the
Modusgate antispam (in the same server) in my LAN. In Fortigate I
created a policy for outbound messaging traffic...
Hi EsumiThank you for your answer,your analysis is correct, but my
client already had this configuration with cisco asa, and I can not
convince him that Fortigate can not establish a vpn behind an ADSL modem
like cisco asa :).And from a technical poi...
hi, thank you for your response It's a scenario I'm going to do in the
next few days, and it's not done yet. I plan to cite 2 VLANs, one for
server and another for workstations, it's security issue. Since I do not
have a manageable switch to create V...
hi,I think we need to work on inter-VLAN routing.I am a beginner in
Fortigate, but try to see this article anyway, it can help you even if
it concerns 5.0.