Hi Community, I've got a FortiMail cluster on customers side where a
SPAM-Attack as Newsletterbombs running agains employees mailboxes. There
are nearly thousand's of Newsletters (Nearly all from valid senders all
over the world). So the mailboxes ar...
Hi Community, I'm completly new with FortiWeb and i try to add a
rocketchat server as docker container to our #FortiWeb instance for
proxy server protection. The SSL traffic comes inbound with default 443
and the docker container presents the https a...
Hello Community, i've got a huge problem with guest user accouts session
times on customers setup. The Fortigate (200F v6.4.8) presents the guest
accounts and also a captive portal. The problem: All Endusers have to
relogin every day (no matter what ...
Hello community, I configure a Cpative portal voucher template for our
costumer. I've the problem, that i can't modify the rendered output for
(Highlight to read)User ID user@example.co...
Hi Debbie, Thanks for your feedback. Of curse, i already detect this
variables and i try to use them insted of PRINT_CREDENTIALS. But, if i
use User ID & Password the voucher print page shows "undefined" for
both. So i try to change the request for t...
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