Looking at implementing the process below and we are having a hard time
finding specific instructions. 1) Guest user attempts connection to
SSID2) User is prompted for email address3) User enters email address4)
Email address is sent to system 5) Sys...
We have setup Fortipresence using Facebook authentication. It appears to
be functional, but it is pretty ugly. There are too many screens to
click through, and the Facebook login page doesn't load images. Some
users will just blow past that page caus...
We have sold may Fortigates, but are just now deploying our first
FortiAPs. Should we be setting these up using the controller on the
Fortigate, or should we use Forticloud?What are the pro's and con's of
doing it either way?If I set them up on the F...
We have sold may Fortigates, but are just now deploying our first
FortiAPs. Should we be setting these up using the controller on the
Fortigate, or should we use Forticloud?What are the pro's and con's of
doing it either way?If I set them up on the F...
We manage a handful of newer Fortigate devices (v5.2-5.6) which have
licenses for the Intrusion Prevention security feature, but it has never
been configured. We reviewed the instructions at
They have the Captive Portal for email collection, and that works fine.
That alone doesn't look like it will send a code. We've looked at
FortiAuthenticator as well, but haven't seen anything that specifically
references what I described in the origi...