Hi, Customer is having FAP231F and they are having ISP with 500mbps
bandwidth.On wired network is gives speed more than 400mbps but on wifi
getting speed upto 225-250mbps.For testing purpose connected AP directly
on Fortigate interface with single us...
Hi, We are using Aruba as wireless controller and FortiNAC is acting as
Local Radius Server, EAP type is TLS and TTLS.We wanted to enable
certificate base authentication for the users who will try to connect
wifi.For Wired users its working perfectly...
Hi, We are trying to connect sslvpn web mode and accessing website using
https.After opening that website it redirects to other url which uses
some custom port and website is not opening.We checked network logs in
the browser and observed that it sho...
Hi, we are having fortiwifi 40F and created bridge ssid on local wifi
radio platform.Unable to add that bridge ssid into the AP profile. It
shows only tunnel ssids.Please guide.
Dear Team, We have upgraded FAZ from v7.0.12 to v7.2.7 and post that
getting error message "Please register this device" while trying to
login to the FAZ gui.Please find attached snap and guide. Regards,Ganesh
Dear Shashwati, I tried following the instructions mentioned into the
article but still ssid is not getting broadcast.We are not using
external AP. We wanted to use the local wifi radio available in
Fortiwifi 40F. Please find attached vap and ap prof...
Dear Dhruvin, Thanks for the reply. From this dashboard summary we are
able to see the status of the vulnerability patching status but customer
is expecting report for the same.Is there any way to get the report.