hi Guys,We have a fortigate 201E which we've setup to block social media
access using a web filter profile with the policy granting access to the
internet. However we've also created another policy to the internet with
a web filter to allow social me...
Hi Guys, can anyone give some guidance and instructions regarding the
following alert? Message meets Alert conditionVirus/Worm detected:
MSIL/Kryptik.PVO!tr Protocol: "POP3" Email Address From: Email Address
# ike 0:SMS_VPN:5992: out
ike 0:SMS_VPN:5992: sen...
FGT90D********** # ike 0:Juniper:Juniper: IPsec SA connect 5> ike 0:Juniper:Juniper: using existing
connection ike 0:Juniper:Juniper: config found ike 0:Juniper: request is
on the queue ike 0:Juniper:11: out
Thanks for the hint, but I didn't have any access to the SRX.There seems
to be an issue still. The tunnel is Up and active, however I am not able
to access the environment behind the SRX. I am able to ping from the FGT
to the destination, but unable ...
Hi guys, a mismatch in phase2 configurations on both sides resulted in
this issue. The juniper side of the tunnel had the wrong remote address