Hi, is someone here deploying forticlient for ios using microsoft
intune?We configured it a while ago to configure the forticlient ems
connection using the ems_server, ems_port and ems_key values.When we now
deploy a new iphone with forticlient ios i...
Has someone tried this version already?
Ok, but the firewall policy above is for accessing one of your servers
from the internet.If you dont want to have nordvpn users accessing your
public servers, the webfilter is the wrong tool. You could place a
policy which contains the internet servi...
Hi Molaw, in your firewall policy you are allowing "srcaddr all" to
access your server. Where do you exactly try to block NordVPN?Can you
show us this policy? Best RegardsDomink
Hello Marco,can you tell us which version of windows 10 is shown when
you use the "winver" command?Is it the same windows 10 version for all
endpoints with bsod? Best RegardsDominik
Hello, there is no direct integration possible between the fortigate and
samba4.You would need to send the samba logs using syslog to an
FortiAuthenticator.The FortiAuthenticator then reads the login and
logoff events and builds an fsso database whic...
Hi, can you please check if you are seeing ips engine crashes?Just use
this command:diagnose debug crashlog read I see many ips engine crashes
after upgrading to 6.2.6, but I use ngfw policy-mode so ips engine is
always stressed by many packets. Rega...