Hi, After looking here; https://forum.fortinet.com/tm.aspx?m=141995 It
seems like you can get more bandwidth if you use more of the ports, for
more VLANs? Is this correct? Also, looking at 6.4 configuration of
Fortinet, it doesn't also look like you ...
Hi, This is JUST out of support, and I attempted to factory reset it, as
I intended to play with it. When I did so, it no longer booted up. Then,
when I tried a different clover lead, it powered up for about...1
second, and then it stopped again. Wha...
Thanks for that. This Fortinet appliance is put in a SOHO environment
really. There isn't any real redundancy here, given that ultimately
there is only one WAN connection and it's used in the home as well . The
maximum amount of users that I'll see u...
Lunhas2k4 wrote: Hi, It appears that it might be bricked, judging from
what you've said. Connecting the serial cable a power-cycling it should
give you some kind of output on you terminal. Do you confirm that there
is absolutely nothing on the screen...