I've got a client that is gonna have a Connectwise SIEM (Perch) sensor
placed in the network. Normally the internal Fortigate Port on the
Switch is being mirrored. But with this client the Internal Port is also
the FortiLink to Fortiswitche(s). The P...
Versions:FG 7.2.8, EMS 7.2.4 and Client 7.24.The Tags are only synced
when I run Enable/Disable the EMS Fabric or by running this CLI:diagnose
test application fcnacd 99Even TAGS aren't Matched with Endpoints in the
Fortigate, but in EMS and Forticli...
Hello,We got two Customers that want to connect to our Datacentre. But
both customers have the same IP-Range and both don't wanna change the
IP-range. See image/attachment.All Firewalls are Fortigates, except
Customer 1.What is working now:-Customer ...
Hello, A client of ours has got A second IP to their WAN address :First
IP : IPv4 adres: 217.***.232.38 / 27 Subnetmasker:
Gateway: 217***.232.33 Second IP :Subnet: 178.***.103.97 / 32 If I add
the Second IP-address to the WAN interfa...
-Customer 1 must only access Vlan1001-Customer 2 (all three sites) must
only access Vlan1002 Because Customer 1 and Customer 2 (Site1) have the
same LAN address. But they don't need to access eachother. If i'm
changing only Site 1, do I have to chang...
Our idea is that we have two or more SAML SSO (Azure AD) in one
Fortigate.One SAML SSO is working well. But can you create two or more
in one device? We have A Fortigate in our DC and, multiple companies are
using Forticlient now. But we wanna use th...