Dear a query, I want to block a Chrome extension however when I create
an app control profile in the fortigate it is not successful. Do two
tests: 1. Create an App control profile blocking the Proxy category,
however the user could access and downloa...
friends I have problems with emails. some emails do not reach the inbox
because fortimail classifies it as a dictionary. attached image.How do I
solve it?It is worth mentioning that the word "publi*idad" is included
in the dictionary profile.
friend, a question: we are using SSL VPN on a fortigate 300E 6.0.11. I
have gone through a lot of documentation and have not found a way to
identify what encryption my device is using.For an audit, I am asked to
send a screenshot about "Encryption me...
friends before updating the fortimail. What backup should I download? I
understand that you have to remove system / backup (image) and black and
white lists, something else?
hello friend, For an audit, they ask me to send a capture about
"Encryption mechanism implemented for VPN traffic (ssl, ipsec, etc)",
what do you mean? Would you understand what is the configuration of the
vpn ssl in the FORTIGATE? Could you clear th...
abelio wrote:Hi,completely agree;I never upgraded a firmware using that
kb's approach Amigo, Para actualizar fortimail v6.0.3 a la versión
6.0.7. Según la imagen adjunta, ¿la ruta de actualización a esa versión
6.0.7 sería directa? ¿Podrías aclararme...
gracias por su respuesta amigo. Por lo que me dices, entiendo que si los
dominios estan en la lista blanca a pesar que el fortisandbox los
catalogue como peligrosos, entonces el fortimail los dejara pasar porque
estan incluidos en la lista blanca del...