A FortiWeb can be configured to join a Security Fabric through the root or downstream FortiGate.
Article Id 334062
Description This article describes how to trigger the HA failover when 'HA override' is enabled.
Scope FortiWeb.

One of the ways to trigger HA failover is by changing the device priority on the unit when the HA override is enabled. When the HA override option is enabled, the device with the lower 'Device priority' is considered as the 'HA Master' or 'HA primary' node.



  1. The devices FWEB-A and FWEB-B are part of an HA cluster. FWEB-A is the primary device, and FWEB-B is the secondary device in the HA cluster.


FWEB-A-before override value change1.JPG



FWEB-B-before override 1.JPG


  1. To trigger the HA failover, the HA device priority of device FWEB-A has been increased from '5' to '9', where the HA device priority of FWEB-A is greater than that of FWEB-B.


    FWEB-A-after override value change.JPG



  2. These changes resulted in HA failover, with the device FWEB-B taking over the 'HA Master' role.

    FWEB-B-after override.JPG