FortiToken Mobile is an application for iOS or Android that acts like a hardware token but utilizes hardware the majority of users possess, a mobile phone.
Article Id 194508
This article describes the first steps to take in case of FortiToken activation failure.  If the configuration has been migrated from another unit, the tokens will not work unless they are completely removed first and then re-imported.
Scope FortiGate.
Step 1: General view:
exec ping
exec ping
show system central-management
The above servers must be reachable from the FortiGate. When a FortiManager manages the system, skip the next steps as the tokens should be provided by FortiManager itself.

Step 2: Current status check:
diag fortitoken info
diag test application forticldd 7

show user fortitoken

Step 3: Run the following command:

show full | grep -f FTK
  1. If the token has the 'set seed...' displayed in 'show user fortitoken', but shows an error in  'diag fortitoken info', delete this FortiToken first.

  2. If the token is displayed without the "set seed..." displayed in 'show user fortitoken' table,  the token can be activated by using step 5b.

Step 4: Turn on activation debugging:

diag debug dis
diag debug reset
diag debug console time en
diag debug app forticldd 255
diag fortitoken debug enable
diag debug enable
diag debug info
The FortiToken-200 is activated through the FortiGuard network and is locked upon first activation (one-time activation lock). If the token's lock was released recently, there is only one chance to activate and catch an error if an issue occurs.

Step 5a: If the Token was deleted as per step 3a., run only this command (and skip the activation):
config user fortitoken
    edit <FortiTokenSN>
Step 5b: Otherwise, activate it:
exec fortitoken activate <FortiTokenSN>
diag fortitoken info | grep -v active 
All tokens should be active and should have the seed in config:
diag fortitoken info
show user fortitoken
disable debug
diag debug reset
diag debug disable
To verify whether the FortiToken activation code is being sent over e-mail, collect the below command output:
sh system email-server
diag debug reset
diag debug appl alertmail -1
diag debug enable
After running the above commands, trigger an activation request and analyze the output. This is done by selecting 'Send Activation Code' under User&Authentication -> User Definition -> Edit the user.

It's important to understand that the troubleshooting steps above primarily concern themselves with the activation of a token when binding to a specific user.

If the problem relates to attempting to activate additional FortiToken Mobile on the FortiGate and errors are seen in the GUI or CLI like the examples below, follow the additional troubleshooting steps further below.


Step 1: Run the FortiToken debug.

diagnose debug disable

diagnose debug reset

diagnose debug console time enable

diagnose fortitoken debug enable

diagnose debug enable



Step 2: Get the logs and analyze the output for possible errors as seen below.
  1. Error_message:"forticare license expired"
[641] fds_ctx_set_addr: server:
[188] fds_svr_default_pickup_server: fdni:
[337] fds_send_reply: Sending 1005 bytes data.
[361] fds_send_reply: send reply failed: req-1, Connection refused

{ "d": { "__type": "SoftToken.ActivationLicenseRequest", "__version": "4",
"license_activation_code": "DA8C-0508-1F31-4CF7-C990",
"serial_number": "FG4H0ETB20900993", "__device_version": "6.0",
"__device_build": "6325", "__clustered_sns":
[ { "sn": "FG4H0ETB20900993" }, { "sn": "FG4H0E5819900260" } ] } }

ftm_fc_comm_recv_response[477]:receive packet from forticare success.
{"error_code":14,"error_message":"forticare license expired"}}}

ftm_fc_command[564]:received error from forticare [-7564]
import fortitoken license error: -7564
Look for the error messages as shown on the log above 'error_message':
error_message":"forticare license expired"
This log indicates the license code entered is expired. The solution is to get a new license code via sales channel and to register it on the FortiGate.
  1. Error_message:"forticare license card not found"



"error_message":"forticare license card not found"}}}


Refer to the solution in the article: Technical Tip: 'FortiCare license card not found'.


Related article:

Technical Tip: Migrating users and FortiTokens to another FortiGate/FortiAuthenticator