FortiSIEM provides Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) and User and Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA)
Article Id 347027


This article shows how to perform initial level troubleshooting of Node.js-charting process.




FortiSIEM v7.x.




Node.js-charting process is responsible for generating PDF charts in scheduled reports. Check if it is possible to run the Reports/Queries & Generate PDF Reports. If that is working fine, errors are False Positive or minimum impact.


The most common error for Node.js is 'Failed to get system process information(/opt/phoenix/log/"'.

Begin by checking if the /opt or /cmdb partition is close to 100% and might be one of the reasons for Node.js-charting process going down.
In that case, clear /opt or /cmdb partitions, run the below commands to assess disk utilization:

# du -xhd 2 /opt | sort -hr
# du -xhd 2 /cmdb | sort -hr

Here are steps to recycle the Node.js-charting Services:
Run the following as 'root'. It is recommended to take a full snapshot of the VM before executing these commands if it is feasible.


cd /opt/charting

./ | tee /tmp/rhb.out

If the output of the last line is anything other than 'Redis and nodeJS are running OK', then attach a consult with Fortinet support.

Furthermore, run 'ps -ef | grep SVGCluster' 8 processes should be obtained (not including the grep command itself).
Run 'killall -9 node' to restart those processes and new processes will start, The Node.js-charting process should resume within 2-5 minutes

If any results are showing processes with the path '/opt/charting/SVGCluster.js', then run ''
Run '#phstatus" and watch for Node.js-charting to start

Finally, Node.js-charting process does not start within 5 minutes, try running the following command line and repeat '#phstatus' watching for Node.js-charting to start:

#/usr/local/bin/node /opt/charting/SVGCluster.js 


If the issue persists, do not custom modify any file or configuration, contact Fortinet support.