Created on
11:29 PM
Edited on
10:58 PM
This article describes what information to provide during a ticket creation when reporting a FortiPortal issue.
FortiPortal v6.x.
Most of FortiPortal configuration settings are stored on the database and there is no configuration needed for troubleshooting.
Refer to the following steps to collect that information.
- Ftnt_fpc log file:
There are two ways to collect this file:
1. From the CLI:
Use the PuTTY application with login enabled (to log all output into a file).
Upon logging in to the Portal CLI, run the following command:
# exe shell
tail –f /var/tomcat/util/ftnt_fpc.log
Try reproducing the issue and observe the debug output on PuTTY.
2. From the GUI:
Go to Admin -> System Log and select 'Download'.
Browser HAR file:
On every browser, there is a developer option for troubleshooting by pressing the F12 button within the browser.
Open the developer option, select 'Network', check 'Persist log' and the 'Disable cache' option.
Access the page where the issue is occurring. The screenshot below shows where to download the HAR file.
With Firefox:
With Chrome:
Save the file to the local desktop.
Database dump:
Provide a full database dump to ease on investigation. Due to certain company restrictions, a partial database dump may help for initial investigation.
Full database dump:
Execute the following command from MySQL server which is the database server:
# mysqldump --all-databases --single-transaction --quick --lock-tables=false > <filename> -u <username> -p
Partial database dump:
Execute the following command from the MySQL server which is the database server:
# mysqldump ftntpmcdb > ftntpmcdb.sql – u <username> -p
Screenshot or video recording:
Provide some screenshots of the issue or a video recording with the following third party tools:
Snipping tool – Windows built-in tools.
Photoscape – photo editing tools with screen capture capability (
Video recording:
Licecap – video capture in .gif format (
Related articles:
Technical Tip: Ticket Creation via the Support Portal.
Technical Tip: FortiPortal information to collect when a ticket is raised for v7.0 and v7.2