NOTE: FortiNAC is now named FortiNAC-F. For post-9.4 articles, see FortiNAC-F. FortiNAC is a zero-trust network access solution that provides users with enhanced visibility into the Internet of Things (IoT) devices on their enterprise networks.
Article Id 244783

This article describes the behavior where a MAC Address is not detected when a client connects over managed VPN.


This can occur when Agent information is either not received or not processed.

Scope FortiAC version 8.x, and 9.x.

1) Ensure the agent traffic is reaching the appliance. 

See the related KB article for troubleshooting steps:


2) If agent the traffic is reaching the appliance, enable debug for Agent communication.  In appliance CLI type:

nacdebug –name PersistentAgent true   <----- If using Persistent Agent.
nacdebug –name AgentServer true   <----- If using Dissolvable Agent.
tail -F /bsc/logs/output.nessus


3) Have client connect.  


4) Type Ctrl-C to stop tail.


5) Disable debug:

nacdebug –name PersistentAgent false
nacdebug –name AgentServer false


6) In /bsc/logs/output.nessus output, look for 'PAConnectionStatus'.  There should be messages for the MAC address for the remote user. 
