FortiGate Next Generation Firewall utilizes purpose-built security processors and threat intelligence security services from FortiGuard labs to deliver top-rated protection and high performance, including encrypted traffic.
Article Id 333891


This article describes the starting steps to follow when FortiGate Logs cannot be seen in the FortiCloud account.










Enable logging to FortiCloud.


  1. Go to Security Fabric -> Fabric Connectors and select the Logging & Analytics card -> Edit.



  2. On the Cloud Logging tab, set Type to FortiGate Cloud.



  3. Select an upload option:
    • Real-Time: logs are sent to the cloud device in real-time.
    • Every Minute: logs are sent to the cloud device once every minute.
    • Every 5 Minutes: logs are sent to the cloud device once every five minutes (default).
  4. Select OK.



Confirm communication between FortiGate and FortiCloud:


execute ping


If the logs are enabled, and there is a connection to the FortiCloud, check the region. Sometimes having the FortiGate and FortiCloud in different regions can lead to this type of issue, so ensure both are in the same region.


Check that anycast is enabled under 'config sys fortiguard', if enabled, try disabling as follows:


config sys fortiguard
    set fortiguard-anycast disable
    set protocol udp
    set port 8888

      set sdns-server-ip


di de app update -1
di de en
exec update-now


Verify the FortiGuard servers using the following command:


di de rating


Logout from the FortiCloud account, refresh the below processes, and log in again:


fnsysctl killall ipsengine

fnsysctl killall forticldd

fnsysctl killall miglogd


Check again if the logs are not being forwarded to the FortiCloud. Use the following command to check the Home log server IP.


V7.2.3 and below:


diagnose test application miglogd 20


V7.2.4 and above:


diagnose test application fgtlogd 20


Once the server IP is known, establish a telnet connection to it on port 514 and take the sniffer to see the response from the server.


Verify outgoing traffic on port 514 using :


   diagnose sniffer packet any "port 514" 4 0 l


If there is no response, try changing the outgoing interface with the following commands.


config log fortiguard setting

    set interface-select-method
auto === Set outgoing interface automatically.
sdwan === Set outgoing interface by SD-WAN or policy routing rules.
specify === Set outgoing interface manually. 

Removing and making sure of the source IP in the FortiGuard configuration: 

config log fortiguard setting
    set source-ip x.x.x.x 
    set interface-select-method specify -----> This means that it is manually configured.
    set interface "wan1" 


Instead do: 


config log fortiguard setting 

    unset interface-select-method 


It should bring back the default settings.


Related article:

Technical Tip: Sending logs to FortiCloud