FortiGate Next Generation Firewall utilizes purpose-built security processors and threat intelligence security services from FortiGuard labs to deliver top-rated protection and high performance, including encrypted traffic.
Article Id 350101
Description This article describes the order of execution of Virtual IPs port forwarding, and how to change that order.
Scope FortiGate.

In FortiGate Virtual IP (VIP) port forwarding priority goes from top to bottom and the Firewall Policy order to which these VIPs are applied does not matter. VIPs will only be checked if they are applied on at least one firewall policy.

In the first example, FortiGate is forwarding WAN (DMZ) interface ports 442-444 to Loopback Interface 2 port 443 and port 443 to Loopback Interface 3 port 443. However, since the Loopback Interface 2 VIP comes first this will be triggered first.

FortiGate Loopback Interfaces below:


FortiGate VIP and Firewall Policy are below:


The second example includes a VIP forwarding all ports and another VIP forwarding only a specific port. Although Lpk3 is more specific Lpk2 is triggered first because of VIP order.


This order can be changed but only through CLI. The next image shows how to change the VIP order, in regards to the first example.



After using the command it can be observed the successful order change, over both CLI and GUI.





Virtual Servers:


Although configured in a different GUI section, Virtual Servers are part of the VIP list. They can be moved relative to other Virtual IP addresses in the same way.


Virtual Server.PNG


To verify the processing order of Virtual Servers, view the VIP list in CLI.


VAN_DNAT # show firewall vip
config firewall vip

edit "Lpk3"

set extip
set mappedip ""
set extintf "dmz"
set portforward enable
set extport 443
set mappedport 443

edit "Lpk2"

set extip
set mappedip ""
set extintf "dmz"
set portforward enable
set extport 442-444
set mappedport 443
set portmapping-type m-to-n

edit "Virtual Server"

set type server-load-balance
set server-type http
set extip
set extintf "any"
set extport 444
config realservers

edit 1

set ip
set port 443





VAN_DNAT # config firewall vip

VAN_DNAT (vip) # move "Virtual Server" before Lpk2

VAN_DNAT (vip) # end


Earlier Firmware Versions

In v7.0 and earlier, it was possible but not recommended to have overlapping virtual IP addresses. In these firmware versions when Central NAT is disabled, it is not possible to re-order VIPs using the move command.


VAN_DNAT # move "Virtual Server" before Lpk2
VIP entry cannot be moved when central-nat is disabled.

Command fail. Return code -651

Moving virtual IP objects in these firmware versions is only possible by removing the virtual IP objects from every firewall policy and reconfiguring them in the intended order.


Related articles:

Technical Tip: Virtual IP (VIP) port forwarding configuration

Technical Tip: Local In Policy VS Virtual IP Policy

Technical Tip: Configure firewall policies for a VIP when Central NAT is enabled