FortiGate Next Generation Firewall utilizes purpose-built security processors and threat intelligence security services from FortiGuard labs to deliver top-rated protection and high performance, including encrypted traffic.
Article Id 194035



Every Fortinet VM includes a 15-day trial license.
During this time the FortiGate-VM operates in evaluation mode.
Before using the FortiGate-VM, enter the license file downloaded from Customer Service & Support upon registration.

This article describes how to upload the FortiGate-VM license.



To upload the FortiGate-VM license file via the GUI:



  1. Do one of the following to access the license upload window:




  • Go to Dashboard -> Status window, in the Virtual Machine widget, select the FGVMEV (FortiGate-VM Evaluation) License icon. This reveals a menu of selections which bring directly to the FortiGate VM License window or to the FortiGuard Details window.
  • Go to System -> FortiGuard. In the License Information section, go to the Virtual Machine row and select 'FortiGate VM License'.







7.2 Upload license.png


* Do not upload the license file under 'Upload License File'. This will result in the error 'Manual license upload failed'.


  1. In the Evaluation License dialog, select Enter 'License'.

    The license upload page opens.



  1. Select 'Upload' and locate the license file (.lic) on the computer.
  2. Select 'OK' to upload the license file.
  3. Refresh the browser to log in.
  4. Enter admin in the Name field and select 'Login'.

The VM registration status appears as valid in the License Information widget after the license is validated by the FortiGuard Distribution Network (FDN) or FortiManager for closed networks.


Modern browsers can have an issue with allowing connecting to a FortiGate if the encryption on the unit is too low. If this happens, use an FTP/TFTP server to apply the license.
To upload the FortiGate-VM license file via the CLI: 
Upload the license file using the following CLI command:
execute restore vmlicense {ftp | tftp} <filenmame string> <ftp server>[:ftp port]
The following is an example output when using a TFTP server to install a license:
execute restore vmlicense tftp license.lic
This operation will overwrite the current VM license!Do you want to continue? (y/n)y
Please wait...Connect to tftp server ...
Get VM license from tftp server OK.
VM license install succeeded.
Rebooting firewall.



This command automatically reboots the firewall without giving a chance to back out or delay the reboot.
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