FortiGate Next Generation Firewall utilizes purpose-built security processors and threat intelligence security services from FortiGuard labs to deliver top-rated protection and high performance, including encrypted traffic.
Article Id 367804
Description This article explains the error that may occur when trying to change the security mode of an SSID from WPA3 to WPA2.
Scope FortiAP and FortiGate.

If there is a requirement to switch the security mode of the SSID from WPA3 to WPA2, attempting this change via the GUI or CLI may result in the following error.


image (8).png


CLI Reference:


config wireless-controller vap
    edit "Guest"
        set ssid "Guest"
        set security wpa3-only-enterprise
        set pmf enable
        set auth usergroup
        set local-bridging enable
        set schedule "always"


FortiGate (Guest) # set security wpa2-only-personal
Couldn't set security wpa2-only-personal since this vap is in use in wtp-profile "test" radio-3 (Unsupport security type for 6GHz radio)
Command fail. Return code -37


The above error occurs only when the SSID is broadcasted on a 6GHz radio.


The 6GHz band supports only the following security modes.

  1. WPA3 Enterprise 192-bit.
  2. WPA3 Enterprise Only.
  3. WPA3 SAE with Hash-to-Element (H2E) is only enabled.
  4. Opportunistic Wireless Encryption (OWE) with OWE transition mode disabled.



Remove the respective SSID from Radio 3 (6GHz) first, then change the security mode.

image (10).png