Assume the diagram below:
The following configuration is for a site to site tunnel, however this option is also available for dynamic (remote access) tunnels. This would require the FortiClient to be on version 7.4.1 and above. More details are visible on this document: IPsec VPN over TCP
- Create an IPsec tunnel on both FortiGates via CLI and ensure the IKE version is 2.
config vpn ipsec phase1-interface edit "TCP_IPSEC" set interface "port1" set peertype any set ike-version 2 set net-device disable set proposal aes128-sha256 aes256-sha256 aes128gcm-prfsha256 aes256gcm-prfsha384 chacha20poly1305-prfsha256 set remote-gw set psksecret XXX next end
config vpn ipsec phase1-interface edit "TCP_IPSEC" set interface "port1" set peertype any set ike-version 2 set net-device disable set proposal aes128-sha256 aes256-sha256 aes128gcm-prfsha256 aes256gcm-prfsha384 chacha20poly1305-prfsha256 set remote-gw set psksecret XXX next end
- Change the transport type to TCP.
config vpn ipsec phase1-interface edit "TCP_IPSEC"
set transport tcp
This would force the FortiGate to use TCP as the transport when sending/receiving the IKE packets for this tunnel.
- Enable the 'fortinet-esp'.
config vpn ipsec phase1-interface edit "TCP_IPSEC"
set fortinet-esp enable
- This would force the FortiGate to use TCP as the transport when sending/receiving the ESP packets for this tunnel.
- By default, the FortiGate will use TCP port 4500. It is possible to change this to a different port number by going to the global settings and modifying the 'ike-tcp-port' option.
config system settings set ike-tcp-port <integer> end
FortiGate-A # diagnose vpn ike gateway list
vd: root/0 name: TCP_IPSEC version: 2 interface: port1 3 addr: -> tun_id: remote_location: network-id: 0 transport: TCP created: 2589s ago peer-id: peer-id-auth: no PPK: no IKE SA: created 1/1 established 1/1 time 160/160/160 ms IPsec SA: created 1/1 established 1/1 time 0/0/0 ms
id/spi: 46 8dfbaaa88edc80a0/5f7b0e209692b481 direction: responder status: established 2589-2589s ago = 160ms proposal: aes128-sha256 child: no SK_ei: 8d9660ccfe355d6a-0784d7294ccda0bb SK_er: 6a965e82a1d16c31-6ff77b02919f43b5 SK_ai: 405c0521a1fce02a-209bbcd4cec91112-c7db90ebd6d8e398-f6a5274c037bbdac SK_ar: f3eee165e4b19d60-e97fd94542279032-fc5f3d9bdb748405-6e58918d00e07d2e PPK: no message-id sent/recv: 0/2 QKD: no lifetime/rekey: 86400/83540 DPD sent/recv: 00000000/00000000 peer-id:
This feature only works with IKE version 2, and it does not support ADVPN.