FortiGate Next Generation Firewall utilizes purpose-built security processors and threat intelligence security services from FortiGuard labs to deliver top-rated protection and high performance, including encrypted traffic.
Article Id 198254



This article explains how to configure MAC filter on SSID.

Important note:
• The MAC filter function is independent of the SSID security mode.

• To enable MAC filter on SSID, first configure the wireless controller address and address group. See instructions below.




All FortiOS versions.



Note: the following instructions are relevant for FortiOS 7.0 and earlier. In FortiOS 7.2 and later the configuration method has changed (see further below for 7.2+ instructions).


To block a specific client from connecting to the SSID using MAC filter:


  1. Create a wireless controller address with the client MAC address and set the policy to deny. In this example, the client MAC address is b4:ae:2b:cb:d1:72.



config wireless-controller address
    edit "client_1"
        set mac b4:ae:2b:cb:d1:72
        set policy deny

config wireless-controller address
   edit <id>       
       set mac {mac-address}       
       set policy [allow|deny]       
The default is deny.


allow    Allow the client with this MAC address.

deny  Block the client with this MAC address.


  1. Create a wireless controller address group using the above address and set the default policy to allow.


config wireless-controller addrgrp
    edit mac_grp
        set addresses "client_1"
        set default-policy allow

config wireless-controller addrgrp   

    Description: Configure the MAC address group.   

       edit <id>        set addresses <id1>, <id2>, ...       

          set default-policy [allow|deny]   **default is allow**   




allow :   Allow the clients with MAC addresses that are not in the group.

deny:  Block the clients with MAC addresses that are not in the group


  1. On the virtual access point (VAP), select the above address group.


config wireless-controller vap
    edit wifi-vap
        set ssid "Fortinet-psk"
        set security wpa2-only-personal
        set passphrase fortinet
        set address-group "mac_grp"


After this configuration, the client (MAC address b4:ae:2b:cb:d1:72) will no longer be allowed to connect to SSID Fortinet-psk. Other clients will be able to connect to the SSID.

To allow a specific client to connect to the SSID using MAC filter:

  1. Create a wireless controller address with the same MAC address as the client and set the policy to allow. In this example, the client's MAC address is b4:ae:2b:cb:d1:72.

config wireless-controller address
    edit "client_1"
        set mac b4:ae:2b:cb:d1:72
        set policy allow


  1. Create a wireless controller address group using the above address and set the default policy to deny.


config wireless-controller addrgrp
    edit mac_grp
        set addresses "client_1"
        set default-policy deny


  1. On the virtual access point, select the above address group.


config wireless-controller vap
    edit wifi-vap
        set ssid "Fortinet-psk"
        set security wpa2-only-personal
        set passphrase fortinet
        set address-group "mac_grp"


After this configuration, the client (MAC address b4:ae:2b:cb:d1:72) will be allowed to connect to SSID Fortinet-psk. Other clients will not be able to connect to the SSID.

From 7.2.x onward, the configuration will be as below which is different from before:


  1. Create the firewall address entry:


config firewall address

    edit "client-1"

        set type mac

        set macaddr "b4:ae:2b:cb:d1:72"




  1. Create a firewall address group and select the address entry that was just created.


config firewall addrgrp

    edit "mac-group"

        set member "client-1"




  1. To ALLOW the connection, select the created address-group and set the address-group-policy to allow:


config wireless-controller vap

    edit "wifi-vap"

        set ssid "Fortinet-psk"

        set passphrase Fortinet

        set address-group "mac-group"

             set address-group-policy allow




To DENY the connection, select the created address-group and set the address-group-policy to deny:


config wireless-controller vap

    edit "wifi-vap"

        set ssid "Fortinet-psk"

        set passphrase fortinet

        set address-group "mac-group"

        set address-group-policy deny




Related documents:

Wireless controller - FortiGate CLI reference

Config wireless controller access - FortiGate CLI reference