FortiGate Next Generation Firewall utilizes purpose-built security processors and threat intelligence security services from FortiGuard labs to deliver top-rated protection and high performance, including encrypted traffic.
Article Id 262122

This article provides a solution to the SAML auth error 'Access denied' shown to the end user by the SP/firewall.
Depending on the firmware version, the displayed error might be slightly different.


error access.png

Scope FortiGate v6.X v7.X.

Run the following debug on the firewall whilst the end user is authenticating:


diag debug reset
diag debug console timestamp enable
diag debug app saml -1
diag debug enable


Depending on the setup, another command set might be helpful.

For example, if this is for SSL VPN, add diag debug app sslvpn -1 to the command set like:


diag debug reset

diag debug console timestamp enable

diag debug app fnbamd -1

diag debug app sslvpn -1

diag debug enable


To disable debugs:


  diag debug disable  


If this message is seen in the SAML debug from FortiGate CLI:


2023-06-22 07:01:30 [15478:root:57][fsv_found_saml_server_name_from_auth_lst:123] Found SAML server [] in group [test1]
gen_sp_server [325]: Failed to create SP


Check the SAML configuration on the FortiGate. This is usually caused by incorrect 'config user saml' parameters like 'set single-sign-on-url'.


config user saml
    edit ""
        set entity-id "https://fgt.local:8443/remote/saml/metadata"
        set single-sign-on-url "https://fgt.local:8443/remote/loginlang=en"
        set single-logout-url "https://fgt.local:8443/remote/saml/logout"


'set single-sign-on-url' is incorrect in this example, it must be https://fgt.local:8443/remote/saml/login
Make sure the URLs are correct and the same on both sides, SP and IdP. They are usually copiable and pasteable on both SP and IdP.

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