FortiGate Next Generation Firewall utilizes purpose-built security processors and threat intelligence security services from FortiGuard labs to deliver top-rated protection and high performance, including encrypted traffic.
Article Id 189678



This article explains troubleshooting steps for cases where FortiGate cannot connect to FortiGuard servers and does not have direct access to the internet.








  1. Enable debug commands by running the following:


diagnose debug reset

diagnose debug application update -1

diagnose debug console timestamp enable

diagnose debug enable


  1. Initiate an update query by running:


execute update-now


  1. Check the  debug output:

__upd_peer_vfy[331]-Server certificate failed verification. Error: 19 (self signed certificate in certificate chain), depth: 1, subject: /C=US/ST=California/L=Sunnyvale/O=Fortinet/OU=Certificate Authority/CN=support/
ssl_connect_fds[389]-Failed SSL connecting (5,0,Success)

upd_comm_connect_fds[476]-Failed SSL connect

upd_act_HA_contract_info[779]-Error updating FSCI -1


  1. Find the FortiGuard server IP address and collect the given sniffer command output when initiating an update request by running:


execute update-now




diag sniffer packet any ‘host x.x.x.x’ 6 0 l <----- Replace x.x.x.x with FortiGuard server IP address.


If VDOM is enabled, collect sniffer command output from Management VDOM.

In the packet capture.


The issue is caused by another upstream unit (such as another FortiGate or 3rd party firewall) replacing the certificate of the connection. Because the replacement certificate is unknown to the local FortiGate, the SSL Handshake fails.

If the issue is caused by an upstream FortiGate, configure it to not perform a 'deep inspection' of the traffic going to the local FortiGate. Use a similar process if the problem is caused by a 3rd party unit.

If verifying that there is no upstream unit or any device that is doing the inspection and still experiencing the issue. This might be happening because the certificate bundle is missing some Public certificates. 


2023-08-29 13_15_54-Clipboard.png


It is possible to try to change the Fortiguard Port to 8888 and the protocol to UDP. This can only be done after disabling the 'anycast'. Use the following commands 


config system fortiguard

   set fortiguard-anycast disable

   set port 8888

   set protocol udp


If the issue persists with the same error, try to enable fortiguard-anycast under 'config system fortiguard' by unsetting the other changes done such as sdns-server-ip, port, and protocol.

config system fortiguard
  set fortiguard-anycast enable

Related articles:

Technical Tip: Unable to load FortiGuard DDNS server list

Technical Tip: Unable to connect to FortiGuard servers

Technical Tip: FortiGuard is not reachable via Anycast default method

Troubleshooting Tip: FortiGuard DDNS IP update fails