FortiGate Next Generation Firewall utilizes purpose-built security processors and threat intelligence security services from FortiGuard labs to deliver top-rated protection and high performance, including encrypted traffic.
Article Id 193027



A FortiGate is able to display logs via both the GUI and the CLI. This article describes how to display logs through the CLI.



To display log records, use the following command:
execute log display
However, it is advised to instead define a filter providing the necessary logs and that the command above should return.
Set different types of log filter options, the number of results, and from which point in the collected logs it should start displaying.
The first steps may be to check the current filter settings, or reset/clear them:
execute log filter reset
execute log filter dump               
<- To show settings. Example output below.
category: traffic
device: disk
start-line: 1
view-lines: 10
max-checklines: 0
HA member:
log search mode: on-demand
pre-fetch-pages: 2
Oftp search string:
The next step is to set the source of the logs:
execute log filter device
Since FortiOS 6.2, those available devices contain the following extended set (which is the same for FortiOS versions 6.2 / 6.4 and 7.0):
Example output (can be different if disk logging is available):
Available devices:
0: memory
1: disk
2: fortianalyzer
3: fortianalyzer-cloud             
<----- Added with the FortiAnalyzer-cloud introduction.
4: forticloud                       
<----- Moved one position down.
Until v6.2, the listing was:
Example output (can be different if disk logging is available):
Available devices:
0: memory
1: disk
2: fortianalyzer
3: forticloud
execute log filter device 0                                        <- This will display logs from memory.


The next step is to choose the category of logs to display:
execute log filter category
Available categories in v7.0:

These are the same as in v6.2 (listed below), but with the following new categories:
 0: traffic
 1: event
 2: utm-virus
 3: utm-webfilter
 4: utm-ips
 5: utm-emailfilter
 7: utm-anomaly
 8: utm-voip
 9: utm-dlp
10: utm-app-ctrl
12: utm-waf
15: utm-dns
16: utm-ssh
17: utm-ssl
19: utm-file-filter
20: utm-icap
22: utm-sctp-filter
Available categories in v6.4:
These are the same as in v6.2 (listed below), but with the following new categories:
 0: traffic
 1: event
 2: utm-virus
 3: utm-webfilter
 4: utm-ips
 5: utm-emailfilter
 7: utm-anomaly
 8: utm-voip
 9: utm-dlp
10: utm-app-ctrl
12: utm-waf
15: utm-dns
16: utm-ssh
17: utm-ssl
18: utm-cifs
19: utm-file-filter
20: utm-icap
Available categories in v6.2:

 0: traffic
 1: event
 2: utm-virus
 3: utm-webfilter
 4: utm-ips
 5: utm-emailfilter
 7: utm-anomaly
 8: utm-voip
 9: utm-dlp
10: utm-app-ctrl
12: utm-waf
15: utm-dns
16: utm-ssh
17: utm-ssl
18: utm-cifs
19: utm-file-filter
Available categories in FortiOS 6.0:

 0: traffic

 1: event
 2: utm-virus
 3: utm-webfilter
 4: utm-ips
 5: utm-emailfilter
 7: utm-anomaly
 8: utm-voip
 9: utm-dlp
10: utm-app-ctrl
12: utm-waf
15: dns
16: utm-ssh
Available categories in FortiOS 5.6:

 0: traffic

 1: event
 2: utm-virus
 3: utm-webfilter
 4: utm-ips
 5: utm-emailfilter
 7: anomaly
 8: voip
 9: utm-dlp
10: utm-app-ctrl
12: utm-waf
15: dns
Available categories in v5.4:

 0: traffic

 1: event
 2: utm-virus
 3: utm-webfilter
 4: utm-ips
 5: utm-emailfilter
 7: anomaly
 8: voip
 9: utm-dlp
10: utm-app-ctrl
12: utm-waf
The default log filter configuration looks like the following:
The following outputs might look different on different FortiGate models depending on the hardware/VM, or without internal disk storage:

v7.0, v7.2 and v7.4:


show full-configuration log memory filter
config log memory filter
      set severity information
      set forward-traffic enable
      set local-traffic enable
      set multicast-traffic enable
      set sniffer-traffic enable
      set ztna-traffic enable
      set anomaly enable
      set voip enable
      set gtp enable


show full-configuration log memory filter
config log memory filter
    set severity information
    set forward-traffic enable
    set local-traffic enable
    set multicast-traffic enable
    set sniffer-traffic enable
    set anomaly enable
    set voip enable
    set gtp enable
    set filter ''
    set filter-type include

show full-configuration log memory filter
config log memory filter
    set severity information
    set forward-traffic enable
    set local-traffic enable
    set multicast-traffic enable
    set sniffer-traffic enable
    set anomaly enable
    set voip enable
    set dns enable
    set ssh enable
    set ssl enable
    set cifs enable
    set filter ''
    set filter-type include




show full-configuration log memory filter
config log memory filter
    set severity information
    set forward-traffic enable
    set local-traffic enable
    set multicast-traffic enable
    set sniffer-traffic enable
    set anomaly enable
    set voip enable
    set dns enable
    set ssh enable
    set filter ''
    set filter-type include




show full-configuration log memory filter
config log memory filter
    set severity warning
    set forward-traffic enable
    set local-traffic disable
    set multicast-traffic enable
    set sniffer-traffic enable
    set anomaly enable
    set voip enable
    set dns enable
    set filter ''
    set filter-type include


The log filter a FortiGate has the following options:


show full-configuration log memory filter
config log memory filter
    set severity information
    set forward-traffic enable
    set local-traffic enable
    set multicast-traffic enable
    set sniffer-traffic enable
    set anomaly enable
    set voip enable
    set filter ''
    set filter-type include


For example, by using the following log filters, FortiGate will display all utm-webfilter logs with the destination IP address


execute log filter category 3       
execute log filter field dstip
execute log display

1 logs found.
1 logs returned.

1: date=2019-09-14 time=14:52:36 logid="0317013312" type="utm" subtype="webfilter" eventtype="ftgd_allow" level="notice" vd="root" eventtime=1568465556531146383 tz="+0200" policyid=1 sessionid=3190297 srcip= srcport=10806 srcintf="port3" srcintfrole="undefined" dstip= dstport=443 dstintf="port1" dstintfrole="undefined" proto=6 service="HTTPS" hostname="" profile="monitor-all" action="passthrough" reqtype="direct" url="/" sentbyte=197 rcvdbyte=3787 direction="outgoing" msg="URL belongs to an allowed category in policy" method="domain" cat=52 catdesc="Information Technology"


Alternatively, by using the following log filters, FortiGate will display all utm-webfilter logs with destination IP address that are not from September 13, 2019:


execute log filter free-style "(date 2019-09-13 not) and (dstip"
1: date=2019-09-14 time=14:52:36 logid="0317013312" type="utm" subtype="webfilter" eventtype="ftgd_allow" level="notice" vd="root" eventtime=1568465556531146383 tz="+0200" policyid=1 sessionid=3190297 srcip= srcport=10806 srcintf="port3" srcintfrole="undefined" dstip= dstport=443 dstintf="port1" dstintfrole="undefined" proto=6 service="HTTPS" hostname="" profile="monitor-all" action="passthrough" reqtype="direct" url="/" sentbyte=197 rcvdbyte=3787 direction="outgoing" msg="URL belongs to an allowed category in policy" method="domain" cat=52 catdesc="Information Technology"


Other examples of using the free-style log filter:


execute log filter free-style "srcip"
execute log filter free-style "(srcip or (dstip"
execute log filter free-style "(srcip and (dstip"
execute log filter free-style "((srcip or (dstip and (dstport 80 443 50-60)"


Below set of commands will provide the output of all the event logs:


execute log filter category 1

execute log filter view-lines xx (xx is the Number of lines to view (5 - 1000))

execute log display


To check the specific event logs such as system event logs, apply further filters as below:


execute log filter category 1

execute log filter field subtype system

execute log filter view-lines xx (xx is the Number of lines to view (5 - 1000))

execute log display


Similarly, the above commands can change the subtype to check the other event logs. It is also possible to configure the following log filter commands:


execute log  filter
category          Category.
device            Device to get log from.
dump              Dump current filter settings.
field             Filter by field. Specify from 1to 5 values value1 [value2 ... value5] [not]
Use not to reverse the condition.
Each value can be an individual value or a value range.
For value range, "-" is used to separate two values.
For example, 2013/06/13-2013/06/14 is for a date range from Jun 13, 2013 to Jun 14, 2013

free-style        Filter by free-style expression.
ha-member         HA member.
max-checklines    Maximum number of lines to check (maximum number of log entries that will be checked, 0 means all will be checked)
reset             Reset filter.
start-line        Start line to display (the log entry to start displaying from; so if set to 10, the 10th entry onward will be displayed)
view-lines        Lines per view (the number of log entries that will be displayed, default 10)


To view multiple log entries, increase the number of rows displayed at once using the following command:


execute log filter view-lines 1000


Then, run:


execute log display


Continue running the 'execute log display' command repeatedly to scroll through the pages until reaching the last entry as desired.

It is also possible to work with the logs - roll, backup, delete local logs, list log details like occupied space/date/time of the log, and more:


execute log
backup               Backup.
delete               Delete local logs of one category.
delete-all           Delete all local logs.
detail               Display UTM log entries for a particular traffic log.
display              Display filtered log entries.
filter               Set filters we discussed here.
flush-cache          Write disk log cache of current category to disk in compressed format.
flush-cache-all      Write disk log cache of all categories to disk in compressed format.
fortianalyzer        FortiAnalyzer.
fortianalyzer-cloud  FortiAnalyzer-cloud.
fortiguard           FortiGuard.
list                 List current and rolled log files info.
raw-backup           Raw-backup.
roll                 Roll log files now.


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