FortiGate Next Generation Firewall utilizes purpose-built security processors and threat intelligence security services from FortiGuard labs to deliver top-rated protection and high performance, including encrypted traffic.
Article Id 338429
Description This article describes how to check the upgrade path inside of FortiOS instead of in release notes or the Upgrade path tool table.
Scope FortiOS.
Solution To upgrade the FortiOS, it is always recommended to follow the upgrade path tool table to avoid losing any configuration or to avoid any crash in the unit. 

The Upgrade Path Tool Table can be found here.

It features the exact unit detail, current version, and expected version to upgrade. Once the data is entered, the upgrade path information is shown along with a detailed path table to follow while upgrading. It is sometimes recommended to find the information in the release notes. This path can also be found inside the FortiOS GUI under System -> Firmware -> Select Firmware. Once the firmware is selected in the GUI, two recommendations will be provided: 'Directly upgrade' and 'Follow the Upgrade Path'.

Once the 'Follow the upgrade path' option is chosen, it will show the path it will automatically take while upgrading to the targeted version. Examples are shown below:





Related article:
Technical Tip: Manual firmware upgrade by referring to an upgrade path 
