By default, EST uses old keys for certificate renewal, unlike other auth protocols on FortiGate.
For example:
Old cert:
FGVM04TM23009067 (mycert-a1) # get name : mycert-a1 password : * comments : private-key : * certificate : Subject: CN = eluo-fortinet Issuer: CN = estExampleCA Valid from: 2024-04-26 17:31:49 GMT <- Old cert. Valid to: 2025-04-26 17:31:49 GMT Fingerprint: 86:2E:C5:EB:9C:94:E4:62:7E:AC:74:1B:FB:FF:7E:A0:55:B6:48:0B:79:54:C6:05:2E:EA:25:69:A5:F7:1D:F5 Root CA: No Version: 3 Serial Num: 07:9b:91 Extensions: Name: X509v3 Basic Constraints Critical: no Content: CA:FALSE
Name: X509v3 Key Usage Critical: no Content: Digital Signature
Name: X509v3 Subject Key Identifier Critical: no Content: 1B:EF:76:7F:FC:A8:0E:9A:8A:5C:54:88:3D:2B:7D:65:B8:66:53:C7 <- Key.
Name: X509v3 Authority Key Identifier Critical: no Content: 1A:DF:39:84:C2:56:E6:6C:CF:2A:B4:26:A5:FD:0C:D2:43:F5:3D:3E
After renewal:
FGVM04TM23009067 (mycert-a1) # get name : mycert-a1 password : * comments : private-key : * certificate : Subject: CN = eluo-fortinet Issuer: CN = estExampleCA Valid from: 2024-04-26 17:36:44 GMT <- New cert. Valid to: 2025-04-26 17:36:44 GMT Fingerprint: F6:C9:5E:BC:6B:4E:74:58:9E:F5:6D:4A:01:5F:46:CE:A7:60:7B:59:9A:BF:F8:F1:C4:72:0D:04:A2:60:AD:96 <- Different fingerprint. Root CA: No Version: 3 Serial Num: 07:9b:93 Extensions: Name: X509v3 Basic Constraints Critical: no Content: CA:FALSE
Name: X509v3 Key Usage Critical: no Content: Digital Signature
Name: X509v3 Subject Key Identifier Critical: no Content: 1B:EF:76:7F:FC:A8:0E:9A:8A:5C:54:88:3D:2B:7D:65:B8:66:53:C7 <- Key.
Name: X509v3 Authority Key Identifier Critical: no Content: 1A:DF:39:84:C2:56:E6:6C:CF:2A:B4:26:A5:FD:0C:D2:43:F5:3D:3E
Notice that the Subject Key Identifier did not change, meaning the old key was used in CSR. At times, some customers may implement the CA server in such a way that it does not accept the old key and will return the old certificate.
To accommodate this, starting from version 7.4.6, customers can regenerate a new key to get a new certificate from the EST server. This can be specified in the configuration on the FortiGate: dictate whether to use the old key or a new key each time it contacts the CA server to renew the certificate.
config vpn certificate local edit <name> set est-regeneration-method {create-new-key | use-existing-key} next end