FortiAuthenticator provides centralized authentication services for the Fortinet Security Fabric including multi-factor authentication, single sign-on services, certificate management, and guest management.
Article Id 320656

This article explains how to address two specific scenarios involving SSL VPN in FortiGate:

  1. A new domain account has been created with the option 'User must change password at first logon' enabled.
  2. The password of an existing domain user account has expired.

In both situations, end users may not have network access to change their passwords. It can happen to work from a different location, such as another site or home, where SSL VPN is the sole method for changing their LDAP passwords.


This article assumes the following configurations are already in place:

  • SSL VPN settings are configured in FortiGate.
  • Certificate Authority is already configured. It is possible to use any PKI solution, for example: Microsoft PKI or FortiAuthenticator.
  • Windows Active Directory Domain Controllers.
  • FortiGate - Any version.
  • FortiClient or VPN access via a web browser.
  • FortiAuthenticator - Any version.

It is necessary to import the Root CA certificate to FortiGate. For details and a step-by-step procedure, see this article. The article also includes the procedure to change an expired password or change a password at first log on with an LDAP account using FortiClient or Web-based SSL VPN.


To enable changing an expired LDAP password or passwords on the first login, the following conditions must be met:

  • Password renewal must be enabled in the FortiGate RADIUS server settings, and MS-CHAP-v2 must be selected as an Authentication method.
  • FortiAuthenticator must be joined to the domain.
  • RADIUS policies in FortiAuthenticator must have PEAP enabled and 'Use Windows AD Domain Authentication' must be enabled.
  • LDAPs must be configured between FortiAuthenticator and the domain controller.




In this document, FortiAuthenticator will be added as a Radius server in FortiGate to authenticate users using radius communication.

Perform the following steps:


  1. Configure LDAPs and join FortiAuthenticator to Windows Domain.
  2. Import LDAP Users/Groups in FortiAuthenticator.
  3. Configure Realms, the Radius client (FortiGate), and Radius policies & attributes.
  4. Add FortiAuthenticator as a Radius server in FortiGate.
  5. Configure FortiGate Firewall groups and policies.
  6. Testing & troubleshooting LDAP account password change.
  7. General Considerations.


Step 1: Configure LDAPs and join FortiAuthenticator to Windows Domain.


To configure LDAPs in FortiAuthenticator, the first step is to import the Root and Intermediate CA certificates (if any) into the 'Trusted CAs' list in FortiAuthenticator. Ensure that all CA certificates are imported into FortiAuthenticator to complete the certificate chain.


Login to FortiAuthenticator -> Expand Certificate Management -> Certificate Authorities -> Trusted CAs.


Next, select 'Import' to add the Root and any Intermediate CA certificates. In this technical document, there is a single Root CA named 'Root_CA1'. However, other environments might have additional Intermediate CAs. Ensure all of these are added to the Trusted CAs list.




The next step would be to select this CA in the LDAP server settings in FortiAuthenticator. 


Login to FortiAuthenticator -> Expand Authentication -> Remote Auth. Servers -> LDAP -> Select LDAP server -> Select Edit.

If there are no LDAP servers configured, select Create New to first create an LDAP server entry.




Fill in the required information. For reference, see the details below. 




Once the LDAP configuration is done, come back to the same server configuration and select Browse to check communication.

If the OU structure is visible, it means that LDAP's communication is working fine with the domain controller on port tcp/636.





  • Ensure that the Root CA certificate is already added to the domain controller's 'Trusted Root Certificate Authority' store.
  • The domain controller certificate should also be added to the 'Personal Certificates' certificate store on the domain controller. This certificate must be issued by the same Certificate Authority that was imported into both the FortiAuthenticator 'Trusted CAs' list and the domain controller's 'Trusted Root Certificate Authority' store.


Root CA on the Domain controller in the 'Trusted Root Certification Authorities'.




The domain controller certificate in the 'Personal Certificates' store:





The next step would be to check the Domain joining status.




Step 2: Import LDAP Users/Groups in FortiAuthenticator.


Expand Authentication -> User Management -> Remote Users -> Select Import.


Import LDAP users.png


Select LDAP groups2.png


Select the group(s) and select OK to import users in FortiAuthenticator, set 'Radius Attributes', and select Save.


LDAP group Name in FAC with Radius attributes3.png


Step 3: Configure Realms, Radius client (FortiGate), Radius policies & Attributes. 


Now, add FortiGate as a radius client in FortiAuthenticator.

Expand Authentication -> Radius Service -> Clients.



The radius secret must match on both sides (FortiGate and FortiAuthenticator).


FGT as Radius Client4.png


It is necessary to create a Local Realm in FortiAuthenticator pointing towards the LDAP server.






After creating a realm, it is necessary to create Radius policies and include the recently created Local FortiAuthenticator group and realm.

Expand Authentication -> Radius Service -> Policies -> Select Create New.


The policy should look something like this:


Radius Policies6.png


Identity Source7.png


Radius Policies-2-8.png



Step 4:  Add FortiAuthenticator as a Radius server in FortiGate.


Login to FortiGate, then expand User & Authentication -> Radius Servers, select Create New, and fill in the required information.


FGT - Radius Server9.png



config user radius

    edit "FAC"

       set server "10.X.X.X"
       set secret ENC ocwDlXuMx70Jyieo0M0fgW1ulPeEmkeLEmLdeaWrlt23gUYpq9+7PMO6qjuvbyvwxQUDQ6fJBPHNY2vg32v/JVX8nqdURFS1OXwe6ObYI8wN395vKLPNxDyjLELPyFBHCU0K07QIhwm5eqJT9GzKaWBizbfAfozAwaHwqGmvd3tIUbIinG5LBkDJyKT65HYzq56wQg==
       set nas-ip 10.X.X.X
       set auth-type ms_chap_v2



name : FAC
server : 10.X.X.X
secret : *
timeout : 5
status-ttl : 300
all-usergroup : disable
use-management-vdom : disable
nas-ip : 10.X.X.X
nas-id-type : legacy
call-station-id-type: legacy
acct-interim-interval: 0
radius-coa : disable
radius-port : 0
h3c-compatibility : disable
auth-type : ms_chap_v2
source-ip :
username-case-sensitive: disable
class :
password-renewal : enable
password-encoding : auto
mac-username-delimiter: hyphen
mac-password-delimiter: hyphen
mac-case : lowercase
acct-all-servers : disable
switch-controller-acct-fast-framedip-detect: 2
interface-select-method: auto
transport-protocol : udp
account-key-processing: same
account-key-cert-field: othername
rsso : disable
secondary-server :
secondary-secret : *
tertiary-server :
tertiary-secret : *


Step 5: Configure FortiGate Firewall groups.


Now create a local Firewall group with the same name as in the FortiAuthenticator Radius attribute name defined on the group.


FGT group from FAC10.png



Refer to Step 6a for SSL VPN implementation; refer to Step 6b for IPSec VPN implementation.


Step 6a: Configure Firewall policy for SSL VPN.

The next step is to add this Radius group 'sslvpn' to the firewall policies created for SSL VPN.  


Firewall Policy - FAC group11.png



Step 6b - Configure Dynamic IPSec tunnel on FortiGate mapping with the imported user group:




With the IPSec tunnel built, validate that there is an appropriate firewall policy that permits the connection:





Troubleshooting debugs step 6a output from FortiGate CLI commands:


diag debug cons time enable

diag debug application fnbamd -1

diag debug application sslvpn -1

diag debug enable


Troubleshooting debugs step 6b output from FortiGate CLI commands:


diag debug cons time enable

diag debug application fnbamd -1

diag debug application ike -1

diag debug enable


Step 7: Testing & troubleshooting LDAP account password change.


Now the required configurations are done on the FortiGate and FortiAuthenticator, it is necessary to test SSL VPN with FortiClient and web-based VPN.

For SSL VPN testing purposes, a test account has been set up in the Domain controller with the name 'test1' with 'User must change password at next logon' enabled.


Test1 LDAP account14.png



Enable debugging on FortiAuthenticator to see the Radius Authentication debug logs for the SSL VPN connection.




FAC Radius Debug15.png


Debuggin mode Active16.png



Test the SSL VPN connection from FortiClient using an LDAP account 'test1'.


FCt Pasword change17.png


Check the FortiAuthenticator Radius Authentication debug logs.


2024-06-14T17:09:36.017495+02:00 FortiAuthenticator radiusd[982]: (2) facauth: Client type: external (subtype: radius)
2024-06-14T17:09:36.017507+02:00 FortiAuthenticator radiusd[982]: (2) facauth: Input raw_username: test1 Realm: (null) username: test1
2024-06-14T17:09:36.017517+02:00 FortiAuthenticator radiusd[982]: (2) facauth: Searching default realm as well
2024-06-14T17:09:36.017529+02:00 FortiAuthenticator radiusd[982]: (2) facauth: Realm not specified, default goes to Windows AD, id: 6
2024-06-14T17:09:36.018423+02:00 FortiAuthenticator radiusd[982]: (2) facauth: LDAP user found: test1
2024-06-14T17:09:36.018441+02:00 FortiAuthenticator radiusd[982]: (2) facauth: User [enable fido: false, token count: 0, revoked_token_count: 0]
2024-06-14T17:09:36.018454+02:00 FortiAuthenticator radiusd[982]: (2) facauth: Policy [fido_auth_opt: disabled, twofactor: allow both, no_fido: two factor, revoked: reject]
2024-06-14T17:09:36.018466+02:00 FortiAuthenticator radiusd[982]: (2) facauth: Decided on [is_fido: false, two_factor: allow both, token_type: none]
2024-06-14T17:09:36.018486+02:00 FortiAuthenticator radiusd[982]: (2) facauth: Added Stripped-User-Name with value test1
2024-06-14T17:09:36.019364+02:00 FortiAuthenticator radiusd[982]: (2) facauth: # Executing group from file /usr/etc/raddb/sites-enabled/default
2024-06-14T17:09:36.092260+02:00 FortiAuthenticator radiusd[982]: (2) mschap: ERROR: Program returned code (1) and output 'The user password must be changed before logging on the first time. (0xc0000224)'
2024-06-14T17:09:36.092417+02:00 FortiAuthenticator radiusd[982]: (2) mschap: ERROR: Password has expired. User should retry authentication
2024-06-14T17:09:36.092518+02:00 FortiAuthenticator radiusd[982]: (2) facauth: Module-Failure-Message: mschap: Program returned code (1) and output 'The user password must be changed before logging on the first time. (0xc0000224)'
2024-06-14T17:09:36.092581+02:00 FortiAuthenticator radiusd[982]: (2) facauth: MS-CHAP-Error: \240E=648 R=0 C=57697ecc65eaaf0e7f82ca68a156279c V=3 M=Password expired
2024-06-14T17:09:36.092631+02:00 FortiAuthenticator radiusd[982]: (2) facauth: Remote Windows AD user password reset required
2024-06-14T17:09:36.094662+02:00 FortiAuthenticator radiusd[982]: (2) facauth: update_fac_authlog:164 nas_str =
2024-06-14T17:09:36.094872+02:00 FortiAuthenticator radiusd[982]: (2) facauth: Updated auth log 'test1' for attempt from Windows AD user authentication from (mschap) with no token failed: user password change requiredThe user password must be changed before logging on the first time. (0xc0000224)
2024-06-14T17:09:36.094977+02:00 FortiAuthenticator radiusd[982]: (2) # Executing group from file /usr/etc/raddb/sites-enabled/default
2024-06-14T17:09:36.349831+02:00 FortiAuthenticator radiusd[982]: Waking up in 0.7 seconds.
2024-06-14T17:09:37.097801+02:00 FortiAuthenticator radiusd[982]: (2) Sent Access-Reject Id 120 from to length 96
2024-06-14T17:09:37.097837+02:00 FortiAuthenticator radiusd[982]: (2) MS-CHAP-Error = "\240E=648 R=0 C=57697ecc65eaaf0e7f82ca68a156279c V=3 M=Password expired"
2024-06-14T17:09:37.097943+02:00 FortiAuthenticator radiusd[982]: Waking up in 4.2 seconds.



2024-06-14T17:09:59.850645+02:00 FortiAuthenticator radiusd[982]: (3) facauth: # Executing group from file /usr/etc/raddb/sites-enabled/default
2024-06-14T17:09:59.850684+02:00 FortiAuthenticator radiusd[982]: (3) mschap: MS-CHAPv2 password change request received
2024-06-14T17:09:59.850696+02:00 FortiAuthenticator radiusd[982]: (3) mschap: Doing MS-CHAPv2 password change via ntlm_auth helper
2024-06-14T17:09:59.853997+02:00 FortiAuthenticator radiusd[982]: (3) mschap: ERROR: No NT-Domain was found in the User-Name
2024-06-14T17:10:00.012422+02:00 FortiAuthenticator radiusd[982]: (3) mschap: Password change successful
2024-06-14T17:10:00.084627+02:00 FortiAuthenticator radiusd[982]: (3) facauth: Remote Windows AD user authenticated
2024-06-14T17:10:00.087133+02:00 FortiAuthenticator radiusd[982]: (3) facauth: Authentication OK
2024-06-14T17:10:00.087213+02:00 FortiAuthenticator radiusd[982]: (3) facauth: Setting 'Post-Auth-Type := FACAUTH'
2024-06-14T17:10:00.088676+02:00 FortiAuthenticator radiusd[982]: (3) facauth: Add Static Radius attribute: attr_id:809762817 (attr 1, vendor 12356) attr_val:'sslvpn'
2024-06-14T17:10:00.090149+02:00 FortiAuthenticator radiusd[982]: (3) facauth: Add Static Radius attribute: attr_id:809762817 (attr 1, vendor 12356) attr_val:'sslvpn'
2024-06-14T17:10:00.090228+02:00 FortiAuthenticator radiusd[982]: (3) facauth: update_fac_authlog:164 nas_str =
2024-06-14T17:10:00.090282+02:00 FortiAuthenticator radiusd[982]: (3) facauth: Updated auth log 'test1' for attempt from Windows AD user authentication from (mschap) with no token successful
2024-06-14T17:10:00.090335+02:00 FortiAuthenticator radiusd[982]: (3) # Executing group from file /usr/etc/raddb/sites-enabled/default
2024-06-14T17:10:00.090449+02:00 FortiAuthenticator radiusd[982]: (3) Sent Access-Accept Id 121 from to length 207
2024-06-14T17:10:00.090459+02:00 FortiAuthenticator radiusd[982]: (3) MS-CHAP2-Success = 0xa0533d46443338423744323344424334434246353339333636464631444337464644353041373641464641
2024-06-14T17:10:00.090464+02:00 FortiAuthenticator radiusd[982]: (3) MS-MPPE-Recv-Key = <<< secret >>>
2024-06-14T17:10:00.090469+02:00 FortiAuthenticator radiusd[982]: (3) MS-MPPE-Send-Key = <<< secret >>>
2024-06-14T17:10:00.090476+02:00 FortiAuthenticator radiusd[982]: (3) MS-MPPE-Encryption-Policy = Encryption-Allowed
2024-06-14T17:10:00.090481+02:00 FortiAuthenticator radiusd[982]: (3) MS-MPPE-Encryption-Types = RC4-40or128-bit-Allowed
2024-06-14T17:10:00.090487+02:00 FortiAuthenticator radiusd[982]: (3) Fortinet-Group-Name += "sslvpn"


To check whether the password gets changed in the Active directory, go to the domain controller, open the run menu, and type 'adsiedit.msc'.

Once it is opened, 'right-click' it and select 'Connect to', select OK to make a connection, then expand Default naming context -> Domain name -> and select user 'test1'. 'Right-click' and go to 'Properties'.


Password change in AD18.png


The password gets changed in the Domain controller via FortiClient. To check the password change while connecting to an SSL VPN using a web browser:


Password change prompt from Web Browser19.png


Succesful SSPVN pasword change Web Browser20.png


Step 7: Some Considerations.

  • Since the users belong to a domain, there might be Group Policy Objects (GPOs) configured with 'Password Policies.' Sometimes, when end users try to change their password, they might attempt to use one of their last 10 passwords. If the domain's group policies are set to maintain a history of the last 10 passwords, the password change will fail.
  • The password policy might include minimum password length and complexity requirements. Please ensure that these requirements are met when changing the password.
  • The LDAP bind username configured in FortiAuthenticator LDAP settings should have sufficient permissions in the active directory, especially to the Organizational Units (OUs), where the users are located.


As per this article from Microsoft.

  • After a domain user successfully changes a password by using NTLM, the old password can still be used for network access for a user-definable period. This behavior allows accounts, such as service accounts, that are logged on to multiple computers to access the network while the password change propagates.
  • To change the lifetime period of an old password, a registry setting needs to be created on the domain controller.
  • Be careful when modifying a registry, as it could lead to serious problems if modified incorrectly. 


Related articles:

Technical Tip: How to allow LDAP user to change password at first logon or renew expired password vi...

Technical Tip: Old password can still be used on Windows AD server in FortiPAM