FortiAnalyzer can receive logs and Windows host events directly from endpoints connected to EMS, and you can use FortiAnalyzer to analyze the logs and run reports.
Article Id 206247



This article describes how to stop a long log backup job on FortiAnalyzer if the recommended methods (See the 'Related Article' section at the bottom) do not work:


  • Run a second backup job to cancel the initial one.
  • Issue the command 'diagnose test app uploadd 57'.








After having launched a backup task from CLI using:


execute backup logs <device name(s)| all> <ftp/sftp/scp> <ip> <user name> <password> <directory


Backup Log.png


To stop this ongoing backup task, connect to the FortiAnalyzer via SSH then execute the below commands.


Enable Shell access:


config system admin setting

(setting)set shell-access enable

Enter new password:         <----- It is possible to use an empty password */.

Confirm new password:



Then issue the following commands:


execute shell

Enter password:poss

bash$ redis-cli -p 6380> keys *backup*

1) "cli:exec:backup:cmd:hash"> del "cli:exec:backup:cmd:hash"

(integer) 1> exit

bash$ exit


Delete backup job.png


The backup job has been interrupted and it is possible to launch it again later.



In case cannot be stopped with bash due message 'NOAUTH' or received always the message 'Previous sftp backup session is in progress' when sent again the command execute backup logs <device name(s)| all> <ftp/sftp/scp> <ip> <user name> <password> <directory. It can be used in the following process:


Verify the current PID of the uploadd process with the command diagnose test application uploadd 1then stop it with the command diagnose system process kill 9 <PID>, after that execute the new backup again. For example:


Example# diag test application uploadd 1

Example# diagnose system process kill 9 3810

Example# execute backup logs all sftp x.y.z.a Exampleuser Examplepassword /exampletargetfolder
Last backup session was canceled at YYYY-MM-DD HH:SS
This will start a new backup session, Do you want to continue? (y/n)y


Related article:

Technical Tip: Stop ongoing FortiAnalyzer backup