Hi Team, I have output as DestIP = ['1.1.1.',''] and I want to
update this in a text file of server which i have integrated using SSH
connector, while trying to update it is getting updated as it is
['1.1.1.',''] but I want to update th...
Hi Team, Simulate scenario button is not coming at the top of my alert
tab in FortiSOAR. My FortiSOAR version in running upon 7.5.0 and I have
installed and configured the FortiSOAR SOC Simulator as well. Shashank
Hi Team, I want to setup notification in my email box so that whenever
my FortiSOAR playbook fails at any step i receive the email
notification. How can check and implement the condition based upon
complete playbook status ? Regards,Shashank
Hi Rosa, If you see attached images, from FortiSOAR we are getting IP
output in list format under "nice_ip" key and I am sending this IP to
update in text file of web server which i have integrated using SSH
connector and I am using command "echo -e <!-- -->...
I have these fields Resolution code, Resolution notes, Channel,
Recommendation, Attack kill chain which are coming in service now and
are mandatory to be filled before moving to resolved state, but these
are not coming in fortisoar snow.
I am getting below error: Error in processing CSV File: 404 Client
Error: Not Found for url: https://localhost/api/3//localhostNone ::
{'type': 'NotFoundHttpException', 'message': 'No route found for \"GET
https://localhost/api/3//localhostNone\"'} :...