When I use the following configuration, the emails sent by FortiAnalyzer
are still encrypted, and I use the same email account and configure
other email clients to send unencrypted emails # config system mail edit
testMailServer set secure-option non...
When using fortiClient to connect to ssl-vpn, does fortiGate's firewall
policy allow ssl-vpn traffic? 1. Connect to ZERO TRUST TELEMETRY and
pass the ztna authentication. forticlient obtains the ZTNA-EMS-TAG 2.
Connect ssl-vpn to fortiGate, 3. The fo...
I added policy routing to FortiGate, but it couldn't enable sla.
FortiGate couldn't sense when the network of the next hop changedPOP1 #
配置路由器策略 POP1(策略) # 编辑 1POP1 (1) # 设置输入设备 传入接口名称。输入设备否定
启用/禁用对输入设备匹配的否定。src 源 IP 和掩码 (x.x.x.x/x)。srcaddr 源地址名称。src...
I added policy routing to FortiGate, but it couldn't enable sla.
FortiGate couldn't sense when the network of the next hop changed POP1 #
config router policyPOP1 (policy) # edit 1POP1 (1) # setinput-device
Incoming interface name.input-device-negate...