I am the Network Engineer for a 7 location Medical Imaging Company here
in Leesburg Florida and have been in the position for a year and a half.
The issue I am having is decommissioning a FortiGate 200D firewall and
migrating it over to a 600E that h...
We are using the Trial/Free Version of FortiClient, the conf files were
built before I started however we are a Medical imaging company and have
staff members that connect to the VPN using the FortiClient. They have
three locations they can connect t...
Thank you sir I will get ahold of FTNT and kick it up the chain and I
appreciate everyone's feedback and assistance I can usually handle
pretty complex networks and routing and not have a problem but how the
previous net engineer has this set up has ...
Lastly this last attempt I did not move the Staff interface physical
connection 24.117.252 over to the 600E and the only things that were
working that time were the 24.117 and 24.17 subnets for IT and staff
phones and desktops as well as access to th...
Correct ede_pfau :) When the previous Net Engineer added the 600E to
that location he kept the main connections, Staff, INET, DMZ, and Wi-Fi
on the old 200D and built a 4 port lag (0) interface for our Home
Scheduling Staff users, Home Reading Statio...
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