Dears; After configure site to site vpn between Fortigate 60D firewall
and Cisco router , site A : behind fortigate site B: behind cisco router the tunnel is up and I can ping from site B and can ping fro...
Thanks emnoc no output from The diag debug flow command -site A have
leased line with 6 Mbps (upload =768 kbyte download =768 kbyte ) -site B
have Adsl connection 4 Mbps (upload =128 kbyte downlaod=512 kbyte)
Thank you very much rwpatterson for your replay I appreciate that I
changed the fortigate tunnel to interface mode and it is working fine
But I noticed some devices in both sides can' t ping or reach each other
and the vpn is too slow where my adsl c...
sorry for mistake the right policy I used # show firewall policy 1
config firewall policy edit 1 set srcintf " lan" set dstintf " wan1" set
srcaddr " hq-network" ( set dstaddr " kon-network"
( set action ipsec set schedule "...
Thank you emnoc for ypur replay forigate configuration is # show vpn
ipsec phase1 config vpn ipsec phase1 edit " site2site" set interface "
wan1" set keylife 86400 set proposal aes128-sha256 set remote-gw 6.x.x.x
set psksecret ENC
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