Hello, In our company we have Fortigate 60D (v5.4.1) and I'm trying to
setup the VPN with Cisco router. Cisco router is owned by other company
and I do not have access to it. Phase 1 seems to work as expected ([...]
- text cut for better visibility):...
Hi KadkwaiI've solved the problem after a lot of troubleshooting
together with very skilled friend of mine.I had to solve 2 issues:1 - We
had to NAT the traffic before it went into the tunnel (office lan -> NAT
-> VPN tunnel)2 - Than we received info...
Hi AllThanks for all the replies and hints. Problem still exists but
I'll send the suggestions to the mentioned admin and wait for his reply.
I'll post the solution here if I found one.BRAlex
The below config is all that I've got from the Cisco admin.The parts
marked [in square braces] were changed by me to anonymize some entries
crypto isakmp policy ###encr aes 256hash sha512authentication
pre-sharegroup 20lifetime 28800 crypto map [name...