On one of our firewalls only "firewall" type groups are an option for
firewall policies, none of the "FSSO" type groups are an option. Any
ideas where I have a setting wrong?
I could be drawing a blank here: Is there an event handler or setting
somewhere to alert when logs are not populating to the FAZ? - i.e.
turning Red under Device Manager?
Fortigate 60C with FGT-60C-HQIP. Running image without
saving System is started. init_nids_db: ips_so_open failed, ret =1
Initialize config error 200 ===> failed to set (bal.conf.gz.v0) ===>
failed to set (root.conf.gz.v0) cli 17 die in...
To test the SNMPD (SNMP Daemon) the following CLI commands are useful:To
get to the SNMP Diag menu (non-VDOM):[ol]diag test application snmpd
44[/ol]The following menu will display:SNMP Daemon Test Usage 1: display
daemon pid 2: display snmp statisti...
I was able to add the DC groups to the firewall type group after getting
some things done, installed the latest version of the agent and waiting
to reboot DCs tonight.