Description This article describes why the standby FortiWeb node logs
show power module power-up logs in the event logs, even though the
FortiWeb node did not go down as indicated by the System Uptime section
in the output of the 'get system status' ...
Description This article describes how to modify the location header
obtained from the backend server’s response before sending it to the
client. For example, if the location header is sending the redirected
domain but the URL is using HTTP and only ...
Description This article describes how to use Google Chrome to obtain
curl commands in the different command lines, such as cmd, bash,
PowerShell, for testing purposes and analysis. Scope FortiWeb and
FortiADC. Solution Open Google Chrome. In a new w...
Description This article describes how to restart a daemon or process on
FortiWeb using CLI. Scope FortiWeb version 7.6 and later. Solution Run
the command 'diagnose system ps | grep ' to identify
the process ID for the one intended.For example: If i...
Description This article describes how to block URLs when they are
redirected within a parameter. Example: It is desired to block all
access to /ecp path on the mail server but the mail server redirects the
traffic to a login page and adds the URL in...
Hi BoiceLu, You can disable the signature blocking the iframe and create
and deploy a custom signature that will allow only the matched URL in
the Response Body, and block allow other iframe URLs, using the URL
expression ().