HI i am so new to firwalls. please can some one help me to configure the
fortigate 220e firewall to use specific ISP for my smtp traffic ??? we
have 2 internet connections. i would like to go all my email traffic
through port 1 which is our virgin fa...
sorry guys this may not relate to you guys I added in the IP address for
our main line last night into the SecurtyMetrics scanning, and the scan
has failed. i have attached the results page screen shot. is this some
thing relate to the firewall or th...
HI i am really new to fortigate or any firwall technologies. so do
applogise for any miss leading information.. basically we are planning
to move our antivirus server (kasperski) to a new OS 2019. so i was
wondering do i need to configure iphelper/ip...
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