Hello, is it posible to configure anonymouse relay in
Fortimail(fortimail gateway mode-dmz)to allow DMZ applications to send
SMTP email and how to configure anonymouse relay?
Hello, Fortimail appliance comes with 2 disc to import in hyper-v or
vmware.OS disc and logs disc. I presume you can't expand those discs in
vmware for Fortimail appliance.How to expand disc if disc is full?
Another question about discs.If you import...
Hello,Fortimail in gateway mode(DMZ)I want to create Fortimail personal
quarantine for all users in a domain.Do I need to connect Fortimail to
AD LDAP and than configure personal quarantine?I have 1000
domain(exchange) users.Any advice how to do crea...
Hello, thank you but I dont see nothing about anonymouse relay
here.AFAIK SMTP relay host is not anonymouse relay.Beside anonymouse
relay is it posible to configure authenticated relay?
Thank you very much.This is really very useful information.If I
understood correctly I need to connect Fortimail to LDAP and
automatically users can log in to Fortimail and have personal
quarantine? And what about this second option that every user h...